
Plugins for use with MuseScore

Primary LanguageQML

│ Plugins for use with MuseScore │

Use at your own discretion / risk and see inside the files for the licence.

The _mu͒3 files may work under Mu͒seScore 4; once tested, versions
will be available as _mu͒4 symlink (or changed copy).

• count-note-beats_mu͒*.qml

  Write beats atop every note.
  Implemented by request from Phillip Duke in the 2020-09-23 MuseScore Café.
  Backported to MuseScore 2 for Jinx from #MuseScore on IRC ☺

  ‣ https://musescore.org/en/project/count-notes-beats-each-measurehttps://musescore.com/groups/musescore-cafe/discuss/5076457

• notenames-as-lyrics_mu͒*.qml

  Write note names in SPN below each note/chord. Here, as lyrics,
  with the lyrics verse corresponding to the voice number.
  Implemented by request from Mmike (Mario Splivalo) in IRC.

  ‣ https://musescore.org/en/project/name-notes

• notenames-as-stafftext_mu͒*.qml

  Same as notenames-as-lyrics.qml (see above) but as staff text.
  Should work with MuseScore 3.2 as well but if you can, use the
  other implementation, as autoplace is tricky here…

• show-ticks_mu͒*.qml

  Display an alert box with the ticks position of the currently selected
  elements. It uses both the MuseScore 3.3+ selected elements API (also
  in 3.2.3+dfsg2-9 in Debian) and the cursor range selection which is
  assumed to terminate one tick before the next segment begins.

  ‣ https://musescore.org/en/project/show-ticks


│ About mirabilos’ MuseScore projects │

Free Sheet Music: http://www.mirbsd.org/music/free/
Donate if you like: https://www.paypal.me/mirabilos
mu͒Contributor: https://musescore.org/en/user/491366