Vue.js Demos

Small collection of projects I'm doing while learning Vue.js


Some are original projects, if the demo is related to a particular course or tutorial it will be noted and linked to below.

  • Shopping Cart
  • Person Lookup
  • To-Do List
    • Demo | Source
    • Build Status
    • Notes:
      • Very simple to-do list app
      • Starts with 2 example items
      • Enter text and hit enter key to add new items
      • Click on items to toggle completed status
      • Each item can be removed with delete button on right-hand side
      • Click on priority label to change task priority
      • Tasks auto-sort by priority and when they were created (highest priority and newest tasks first)
      • To-do list uses local storage, items persist unless browser cache is cleared
      • Moved hosting of this app to Firebase to prepare for new features that will be added
  • Subreddit Feeds
  • Random Design Quotes