
Coding challenge submission from for the Buycoins Frontend Engineer Application Coding challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Buycoins coding challenge - Miracleio✨

Coding challeng submission from Miracleio for the Buycoins Frontend Engineer Application Coding challenge

Task Overview

Using the GraphQL GitHub API (https://developer.github.com/v4/explorer/), recreate the github profile page (the tab that lists a user's repositories).

What you SHOULD include:

  1. A page with an input field that takes a GitHub username
  2. Submitting that input should load the profile page for the specified user
  3. The responsive design of the website. Make your recreation as close to the real website as possible
  4. The profile picture and basic description of the account
  5. 20 repositories (maximum)
  6. The appearance of your input page should match the style of the profile page
  7. A good user experience

See an example of what the final result should look like - https://res.cloudinary.com/bitkoin/image/upload/v1605131940/frontend_dev_example.png

What you should NOT include:

  1. Pagination/Search functionality - you should load the first 20 repositories only
  2. The other tabs (e.g. Overview, Projects, Packages)
  3. The graph showing year of activity for the repository

Other requirements:

  • Do not use any CSS or JS framework
  • Host your site somewhere (e.g. Netlify or Github Pages)

View the solution

Visit the deployed site

Visit https://buycoins-challenge-miracleio.netlify.app to play around with my submission 😉✨

Clone the solution

#clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/miracleonyenma/buycoins-coding-challenge

#cd into the folder
cd buy-coins-coding-challenge

Open index.html in root folder 🙌