Learn Foreign Languages


This project is a fully voice-supported language learning platform that allows you to explore languages through stories and provides word-based and sentence-based translation capabilities. With integration with Google Translate, you can easily obtain fast and accurate translations.

📚 Language Learning with Stories:

Enhance your language skills with engaging stories that encompass real-life scenarios. With stories suitable for different language levels, LinguoLearn guides you through the learning process, and when you encounter unfamiliar words or sentences, you can quickly view their translations through the Google Translate integration.

🔤 Word-based Translation:

Instantly learn the meaning of any word you're curious about by clicking on it and viewing the translation provided by Google Translate. With an extensive word database, LinguoLearn offers you a rich language experience to discover new words and strengthen your memory.

🌐 Sentence-based Translation:

Translating English texts into your own language is now easier. LinguoLearn facilitates fast and accurate translations through its seamless integration with Google Translate, allowing you to practice and improve your language skills with fluent sentence structures.

🎧 Audio Reading and Pronunciation:

Listen to English texts being read out loud and discover authentic pronunciations. Additionally, by listening to word-based pronunciations, you can grasp correct accents and intonations. Improve your listening skills and learn to use the language more naturally.

🌙 Dark Mode:

Switch to Dark Mode for a visually comfortable learning experience in low-light environments or for personal preference.

🔍 Word Search within Text:

Easily search for specific words within the text to quickly locate and understand their meanings. This feature helps you delve deeper into the context and enhances your comprehension skills.

🔤 Font Enlargement:

Increase the font size to improve readability, making it easier for you to read and comprehend the text. This feature is particularly useful for users who prefer larger text or have visual impairments.

🔡 Font Reduction:

Decrease the font size to accommodate more content on the screen, especially for users who prefer a compact display or want to fit more text within their view.

Getting Started

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.