
Simple script for converting corpus into lowercase

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This simple script helps you to convert your each of sentence in the corpus into lowercase,uppercase or capitalize quickly. By the way, sometimes we need to convert our corpus into lowercase at once, in this case it helps you handle such a small problem in a minute. if u are not able to find the Perl script truecaser.perl which was provided in Moses, u can use this simple but effective python version of it.


python convert_low.py input_file output_file

For instance, there is an english corpus called "training.en" need to be converted into lowercase via this script, input following command:

python convert_low.py ./training.en ./training.low.en


This simple script helps you remove the <sgm> format from your original parallel corpus.

Frequently, the open source resources which can be available from the WMT official website with format, you need to remove these special tokens from the original corpus, then generate purely parallel corpus for training set, development set and test set.

In this case, you can use this script address such a problem via simple way as shown in this code.


python remove_sgm.py input_file output_file

For instance, there are a pairs of parallel corpora called "newstest2017-deen-src.de.sgm" and "newstest2017-deen-ref.en.sgm" we need to remove or filter such special tokens from them. use following command:

python remove_sgm.py newstest2017-deen-ref.en.sgm newstest2017-deen-ref.en.no.sgm


It is quite simple but efficient chinese word segmenter and it can be used in the preprocessing step in some NLP tasks if you need to chinese word segmentation. In this script we call the functions of the model which was provided by THUNLP Group, more precisely it was totally followed by THULAC open source project.


Firslty,you have to install the thulac model, afterthat you will be able to call the functions which can segment chinese sentence by line or by document via slightly change the code.

Secondly, according to your current demand, you can also change the original code that could be used in chinese segmentation. If you use it with default style, it might be work with document level, as well as you will be able to segment chinse words by a whole document directly instead of line by line then save it.

Thirdly, it will be work shown as bellow:

For example, if there is a file ("training.5l.zh") which included just 5 lines of chinese sentences, after processed you will be achieved an output file ("training.5l.zh.seg") with segmented style.

python thulac_seg.py ./training.5l.zh ./training.5l.zh.seg

Tokenizer && Detokenizer

As we all know, we are required to tokenize our training corpus that should be separated characters from words. Detokenizer is a script that restore the tokenized corpus. For instance, there is a small file("training.5l.en") which included jsut 5 lines of english sentences. This file would be tokenized by tokenizer.py and we also restore it in afew minutes(if the corpus not so huge) by calling this detokenize.py script.

Note: It might not be efficient for special symbols or characters.


python tokenize.py ./training.5l.en ./training.5l.en.tok

python detokenize.py ./training.5l.en.tok ./training.5l.en.de_tok

Chinese sentence normalization

There is a simple python code it helps you to convert all the chinese characters which were written in full-width into half-width. Likewise, if there were some non-chinese words or characters it can also conver these words into lowercase efficiently.


python chinese_norm.py inputfile outputfile

Generate aligned text

If you need to use UNK replacement feature, you are required to build dictionary by providing alignment file. Therefore, you also need to generate aligned text if you want to use fast-align open source toolkit.


python gen_align_text.py source_file target_file output_file