My solutions to leetcode SQL Study Plan.
1. Big Countries2. Recyclable and Low Fat Products
3. Find Customer Referee
4. Customers Who Never Order
1. Calculate Special Bonus
2. Swap Salary
3. Delete Duplicate Emails
1. Fix Names in a Table
2. Group Sold Products By The Date
3. Patients With a Condition
1. Employees With Missing Information
2. Rearrange Products Table
3. Tree Node
4. Second Highest Salary
1. Combine Two Tables
2. Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions
3. Article Views I
1. Rising Temperature
2. Sales Person
1. User Activity for the Past 30 Days I
2. Daily Leads and Partners
3. Find Followers Count
1. Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders
2. Game Play Analysis I
3. The Latest Login in 2020
4. Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee
1. Capital Gain-Loss
2. Top Travellers
3. Market Analysis I
1. Duplicate Emails
2. Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times
3. Bank Account Summary II
4. Sales Analysis III