LeetCode SQL-I Study Plan

My solutions to leetcode SQL Study Plan.

Day 1:

1. Big Countries
2. Recyclable and Low Fat Products
3. Find Customer Referee
4. Customers Who Never Order

Day 2:

1. Calculate Special Bonus
2. Swap Salary
3. Delete Duplicate Emails

Day 3:

1. Fix Names in a Table
2. Group Sold Products By The Date
3. Patients With a Condition

Day 4:

1. Employees With Missing Information
2. Rearrange Products Table
3. Tree Node
4. Second Highest Salary

Day 5:

1. Combine Two Tables
2. Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions
3. Article Views I

Day 6:

1. Rising Temperature
2. Sales Person

Day 7:

1. User Activity for the Past 30 Days I
2. Daily Leads and Partners
3. Find Followers Count

Day 8:

1. Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders
2. Game Play Analysis I
3. The Latest Login in 2020
4. Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee

Day 9:

1. Capital Gain-Loss
2. Top Travellers
3. Market Analysis I

Day 10:

1. Duplicate Emails
2. Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times
3. Bank Account Summary II
4. Sales Analysis III