
IBM Applied Data Science Capstone

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

New Rocket Company Project


Worked on a new rocket company named "SpaceY" that would like to compete with SpaceX founded by Billionaire industrialist Allon Musk. Space X advertises Falcon 9 rocket launches on its website with a cost of 62 million dollars; other providers cost upward of 165 million dollars each, much of the savings is because Space X can reuse the first stage. Therefore if we can determine if the first stage will land, we can determine the cost of a launch. to compete with SpaceX we need to understand these informations.

Project Steps:

  1. Collected the rocket launch data from the SpaceX API --> NoteBook
  2. Web-scraped the SpaceX table in the wikipedia page to collect Falcon 9 historical launch records --> NoteBook
  3. Performed some Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to find some patterns in the data and determine what would be the label for training supervised models --> NoteBook
  4. Built an Interactive map with folium to find some geographical patterns about launch sites. --> NoteBook
  5. Built an Interactive dashboard using plotly dash --> Code
  6. Implemented the machine learning classification model to predict if a rocket will land successfuly or not using logistic regression, KNN, desision tree and support vector machine. --> NoteBook