
ws api for tg landing, prisma, nestjs, fastify

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Launch a project docker:


  1. run command <npm ci --legacy-peer-deps>
  2. run command in root directory <cp .env.example .env>
  3. set variables to .env (not required)
  4. create folder in root directory docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
  5. create file in this folder create-db.sql
  6. paste this code into the file create-db.sql: CREATE DATABASE telegram_landing; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";
  7. run command <docker-compose up --build -d> (download docker/docker desktop if you don't have it)
  8. run command in root directory <npx prisma generate --schema=./prisma/schema.prisma>
  9. run command
  10. open in browser http://[::1]:5100/


  1. npx prisma migrate dev - for dev
  2. npx prisma migrate prod - for prod
  3. npx prisma migrate dev --name - create new migration


Current branch - main


Postman REST API: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/11224560/2s8YzMXk2Z Postman WS API: in progress