
aardwolfmaps is yet another attempt to build maps for aardwolf mud (multi-user dungeons). the build is based on dot language (https://graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html) which is a simple text format file for directed graphs.

to start, see src/example.dot and Makefile


# using the makefile
make                            # show make menu
make website                    # build website in src directory
make maps                       # build maps in src directory

# graphviz generate svg
dot -Tsvg dotgraph.dot > output.svg

# graphviz use nop to validate graphs
- https://graphviz.org/docs/layouts/nop/

# hugo generate new posts
cd src/website
hugo new posts/my-first-post.md

# hugo add new theme
git submodule add https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke themes/ananke


# getting room number in aardwolf
- gmcp give vnum for room if it's not maze
- if it's maze then the vnum is -1
- check how aardmush uses gmcphandler plugin It has great notes in it (the plugin)
fiendish has done all that for mapper etc through that
- maybe you can fork out something through reading what fiendish has done. Basically
everything is there already. Just integrating it all to your own client and how is your problem
