
The startup sponsored by Collegeshala group, aims into developing a fantasy e-sport ,fully functional web application

Primary LanguagePython



Setup (Ubuntu)

  1. Download sudo apt-get install -y python3-venv to create a virtual environment for python.
  2. Write python -m venv ~/env. This will create a file env in your home directory.
  3. Write source ~/env/bin/activate to activate the environment. You will find (env) at the beginning of your commnad line. [To deactivate write deactivate]
  4. Now do pip install django djangorestframework.
  5. Write pip install postgres to install the dbms software.

To Start the Server

  1. Write source ~/env/bin/activate to activate the environment. You will find (env) at the beginning of your commnad line.[If deactivated]
  2. Write python manage.py runserver and the server is running at (generally). Also this address will be given is cli once the server is running.

Sign in details in admin page

Username = fantasy

password = fantasy