User Service

The User API service provides CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for managing user data. It exposes a set of RESTful APIs to interact with user-related information.


1. Create User

  • Endpoint: POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1.0.0/users
  • Payload:
      "name": "Miraje",
      "email": ""

2. Get Users

  • Endpoint: GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1.0.0/users
  • Query Parameters: page (optional): Page number for pagination.

3. Update User

  • Endpoint: PATCH http://localhost:3000/api/v1.0.0/users/{userId}
  • Payload:
      "name": "Miraje Hossain"

4. Delete User

  • Endpoint: GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1.0.0/users/{userId}

Running the Project

    cd modules/user #navigate to user module
    cp example.env .env # copy env
    docker compose up --build -d # run docker compose for build and start the service

User Worker

The User Worker is responsible for handling background tasks related to user data. To run the User Worker, follow these steps:

cd modules/worker
cp example.env .env # copy env
docker build --no-cache -t user-worker:latest .
docker run user-worker:latest