
Pure Go rewrite of knockknock

Primary LanguageGo


Project knockknockgo is a pure Go rewrite of moxie0's knockknock with numerous enhancements.

The logic of knockknockgo is similar to the original knockknock. Some significant changes are:

  • supports ChaCha20-Poly1305 or AES-GCM for encryption (defined by user, per port)
  • supports both IPv4 and IPv6
  • supports nftables and iptables (defined by user)
  • no need to have hping installed, uses gopacket to create and send custom packets

Also keep in mind that the original knockknock is unmaintained now for almost 9 years.



To build this project simply run:


This will build two binaries: kk and kkd. Binaries can be found inside the bin/ folder after successful build.



The "daemon" component kkd contains two subcommands: gen and run.

Generating profiles

Use kkd gen to generate profiles for ports, here is the help listing:

$ kkd gen -help
Usage of gen:
  -cipher string
    	Specifies cipher algorithm when generating port profile (default "chacha20")
  -connwin uint
    	Specifies number of seconds during which port will be available after successful knock (default 300)
  -port int
    	Specifies profile port when generating profile (default 22)
  -profiles string
    	Location where port profiles are stored (default "/opt/kkgo/profiles")

For instance, if you want to generate a profile in /tmp/profiles/ for port 22 with ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher and connection window of 100 seconds, you can execute:

kkd gen -profiles /tmp/profiles -cipher chacha20 -port 22 -connwin 100

If you would rather want to use AES-GCM with default connection window, execute:

kkd gen -profiles /tmp/profiles -cipher aes -port 22

Running watch

Use kkd run to start watching logs and verify requests:

$ kkd run -help
Usage of run:
  -fw string
    	Firewall type: nftables (nft) or iptables (ipt) (default "nft")
  -kernlog string
    	Location where firewall logs are written (default "/var/log/kern.log")
  -profiles string
    	Location where port profiles are stored (default "/opt/kkgo/profiles")

For example, if your profiles are located in /tmp/profiles use:

kkd run -profiles /tmp/profiles

By omitting -fw and -kernlog parameters, default values will be picked up (nftables firewall with logs written to /var/log/kern.log).

Note that the daemon will not fork. In order to fork the daemon you can use the & sign to send execution to the background, or use scripts/INSTALL.sh to install the daemon as a systemd unit.


The client component kk is fairly simple with the following command format similar to nc:


Component usage can be printed with -help:

$ kk -help
Usage of kk:
  -profiles string
    	Location where profiles are stored (default "/opt/kkgo/profiles")

Sending knocks

For instance, if you want to send a knock to localhost on port 22 with profile located in /tmp/profiles/ directory, you would execute:

kk -profiles /tmp/profiles localhost 22

The client binary automatically recognizes whether the host parameter is a hostname, IPv4 or IPv6.

Further reading

Testing with Docker

You can test the project via Docker container. More information on testing the project with Docker is in the build/README.md file.

Configuration files

Default firewall configurations and systemd unit file is located in the configs/ directory with a short README.md file to use as guide.

Server install scripts

Simple server systemd unit install and uninstall scripts are located in the scripts/ directory. Use them for quick server deployments.


For more information on the project and implementation of its features, check out the docs/ directory.