SPG Farm Frontend


  1. git clone https://github.com/goosedefi/goose-frontend-farms
  2. npm install
  3. Modify core addresses (treat wbnb as WBNB-T and cake as SPG token)
  • /src/config/constants/contracts.ts (masterchef / cake / mulltiCall)
  1. Correct /src/config/abi/* by copy the right ones from rinkeby.etherscan.io
  • cake.json
  • masterchef.json
  • Multicall.json
  • weth.json
  1. Modify LP and Token addresses
  • /src/config/constants/farms.ts
  1. Add 4 (rinkeby) to /src/config/constants/types.ts
  2. Remove IFO component on /src/App.tsx
  3. Modify all .env/.env.development/.env.production/ to be Rinkeby
  4. yarn start
  5. Check APR and Price of each pools
  • Calculate APR [Line: 56] /src/view/Farms/farms.tsx
  • Calculate SPG price [Line: 76] /src/state/hooks.ts