
PA1 for COMP 520 - Compilers

Primary LanguageJava

COMP 520: Compilers

PA1 - Syntactic Analysis

The programming project in this class is the construction of a compiler for the miniJava language. The first assignment is to build a scanner and parser for miniJava to recognize syntactically correct programs.


The miniJava language is a subset of Java. Every miniJava program is a legal Java program with Java semantics. Following is an informal summary of the syntactic restrictions of Java that define miniJava. Later assignments will modify restrictions.

A miniJava program is a single file without a package declaration (hence corresponds to the default package) and without imports. It consists of zero or more Java classes. The classes are simple; there are no interface classes, subclasses, or nested classes.

The members of a class are fields and methods. Member declarations can specify public or private access, and can specify static instantiation. Fields can not have an initializing expression in their declaration. Methods have a parameter list and a body. There are no constructor methods.

The types of miniJava are primitive types, class types, and array types. The primitive types are limited to void, int, boolean, and the array types are limited to the integer array int [] and the class [] array where class is any class type.

The statements of miniJava are limited to the statement block, the assignment statement, method invocation, the conditional statement (if), and the repetitive statement (while). A declaration of a local variable (with required initializing expression) can only appear as a statement within a statement block. The return statement, if present at all, can only appear as the last statement in a method and yields a result.

The expressions of miniJava consist of operations applied to literals, variables, (including indexed and qualified references), method invocation, and new arrays and objects. Expressions may be parenthesized to specify evaluation order. The operators in miniJava are limited to

relational operations: > < == <= >= !=

logical operations: && || !

arithmetic operations: + - * /

All operators are infix binary operators (binop) with the exceptions of the unary prefix operators (unop) logical negation (!), and arithmetic negation (-). The latter is both a unary and binary operator.

Lexical Rules

The terminals in the miniJava grammar are the tokens produced by the scanner. The token id stands for any identifier formed from a sequence of letters, digits, and underscores, starting with a letter. Uppercase letters are distinguished from lowercase letters. The token num stands for any integer literal that is a sequence of decimal digits. Tokens binop and unop stand for the operators listed above, and the token eot stands for the end of the input text. The remaining tokens stand for themselves (i.e. for the sequence of characters that are used to spell them). Keywords of the language are shown in bold for readability only; they are written in regular lowercase text.

Whitespace and comments may appear before or after any token. Whitespace is limited to spaces, tabs (\t), newlines (\n) and carriage returns (\r). There are two forms of comments. One starts with /* and ends with */, while the other begins with // and extends to the end of the line.

The text of miniJava programs is written is ASCII. Any characters other than those that are part of a token, whitespace or a comment are erroneous.


The miniJava grammar is shown on the next page. Nonterminals are displayed in the normal font and start with a capital letter, while terminals are displayed in this font. Terminals id, num, unop, and binop represent a set of possible terminals. The remaining symbols are part of the BNF extensions for grouping, choice, and repetition. Besides these extensions the option construct is also used and is defined as follows: (a)? = (a | e). To help distinguish the parentheses used in grouping from the left and right parenthesis used as terminals, the latter are shown in bold. The start symbol of the grammar is "Program".

Syntactic analysis assignment

The first task in the compiler project is to create a scanner and parser for miniJava starting from the lexical rules and the grammar is this document. Create a miniJava directory that holds a Compiler.java and a SyntacticAnalyzer subdirectory. You can follow the structure and classes of the Triangle compiler, but no need to replicate it unnecessarily since many details will be different or not needed.

Populate the SyntacticAnalyzer subdirectory with implementations for the Scanner, Parser, and Token classes. You may wish to include other classes; have a look at the classes defined in the syntactic analyzer in the Triangle distribution (e.g. SourceFile, SourcePosition, SyntaxError). You will not be building an AST yet, so you need not import AbstractSyntaxTree classes in the parser.

The Compiler.java in the miniJava directory should contain a main method and parse the miniJava program named as the first argument on the command line (the extension may be .java or .mjava). Execution must terminate using the method System.exit(rc) where rc = 0 if the input file was successfully parsed, and rc = 4 otherwise. No diagnostic message is needed in case the parse fails at this point, but it will be needed at later checkpoints.

miniJava Grammar

Program ::= (ClassDeclaration)* eot

ClassDeclaration ::=
    class id {
        (FieldDeclaration | MethodDeclaration)*

FieldDeclaration ::= Declarators id;  

MethodDeclaration ::=
    Declarators id (ParameterList?) {
        Statement* (return Expression ;)?

Declarators ::= (public | private)? static? Type

Type ::= PrimType |  ClassType | ArrType

PrimType ::= int | boolean | void

ClassType ::= id

ArrType ::= ( int | ClassType ) []

ParameterList ::= Type id (, Type id)*

ArgumentList ::= Expression (, Expression)*

Reference ::= (this | id) (. id)*

Statement ::=  
    { Statement* }
    | Type id = Expression ;
    | Reference ([ Expression ])? = Expression ;
    | Reference ( ArgumentList? ) ;
    | if ( Expression ) Statement (else Statement)?
    | while ( Expression ) Statement  

Expression ::= 
    Reference ( [ Expression ] ) ?  
    | Reference ( ArgumentList? )  
    | unop Expression  
    | Expression binop Expression  
    | ( Expression )  
    | num | true | false  
    | new (id() | int [ Expression ] | id [ Expression ] )