
Shell script to backup and restore databases and files on web servers.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Bash script to backup and restore databases and files on web servers.

The backup script uses a configuration file where each website is set as a project and can have multiple databases and folder paths for backup. Each backup file is also copied over to a remote location (over SCP/SSH).

Currently works with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.


  • json.sh (included as git submodule)


  1. Clone project with --recursive option to recursively clone the json.sh submodule.

    > git clone --recursive git@github.com:miranj/backup.git

  2. Create a config.json from config-sample.json using appropriate config values.

  3. Protect config.json.

    > chmod 600 config.json

  4. For PostgreSQL, a .pgpass file must be placed in the user home directory with database usernames and passwords. Refer PostgreSQL Password File Documentation.

  5. For MysQL, a my.cnf file may be used to provide database usernames and passwords. Refer MySQL Option File Documentation.

  6. Set up a cron job to periodically run the script backup.sh

    > # 3AM everyday
    > 0 3 * * * <path_to_backup.sh> [--config=<path_to_config.json>]
    > # Every 30 minutes
    > 0/30 * * * * <path_to_backup.sh> [--config=<path_to_config.json>]
  7. To delete old backups specify a lifetime in the config file, and set up a cron job to periodically run the script cleanup.sh

    > # 3AM every Saturday
    > 0 3 * * 6 <path_to_cleanup.sh> [--config=<path_to_config.json>]


  • ./backup.sh [--config=<path_to_config.json>] backs up all projects
  • ./backup.sh [--config=<path_to_config.json>] <project-name> backs up a single project
  • ./restore.sh [--config=<path_to_config.json>] <project-name> <backup-file-path> restores the project
  • ./cleanup.sh [--config=<path_to_config.json>] deletes all local backups that are older than the lifetime (as set in config file)
  • ./cleanup.sh [--config=<path_to_config.json>] <project-name> deletes all local backups of a single project that are older than the lifetime (as set in config file)


  • Install Roundup.
  • Copy the config files in tests/config-sample to tests/config using appropriate config values.
  • At the root of the source code run ./tests.sh.