NodeJS ExpressJS MongoDB Basic tutorial

This repository is actually a nodejs, expressjs and mongodb training tutorial made by myself. It covers very basic of those techonologies. From the raw coding with nodejs to coding with expressjs, I tried to cover everything we need to build a very simple project.

In this repo we can learn the followings:

  1. How NodeJS works.
  2. Core modules of Nodejs.
  3. Handling request and response using raw NodeJS
  4. Creating api with raw NodeJS
  5. Basic CRUD project with raw NodeJS
  6. Basic of ExpressJS
  7. Middleware, route and request and response in ExpressJS
  8. MVC pattern
  9. Custom middleware
  10. Error handling middleware in ExpressJS
  11. Basic CRUD operation API in ExpressJS
  12. Authentication with Json Web Token (JWT)
  13. Sending Emails in ExpressJS
  14. Raw MongoDB database functionality
  15. What is model. and how to create a model.
  16. Basic CRUD operation with raw mongodb.
  17. What is ODM/ORM? and What is Mongoose?
  18. Basic CRUD opearation with Mongoose.
  19. Relation in mongoDB and mongoose.
  20. How to populate relational data using mongoose.
  21. How to do pagination in mongodb and mongoose.