Sendgrid Plugin

Adds support for Sendgrid as a mail driver in October CMS. After installing this plugin, Sendgrid will appear as a mail driver in the Settings → Mail Configuration area.


  • October CMS 3.3.8 or above


  1. Run these two commands from your project root.
composer require miravo/sendgrid-plugin
composer require s-ichikawa/laravel-sendgrid-driver
  1. Add this in config/services.php

    'sendgrid' => [
         'api_key' => env('SENDGRID_API_KEY'),
  2. Add this in config/mail.php

     'mailers' => [
         'sendgrid' => [
             'transport' => 'sendgrid',
  3. Go in the backend, Settings → Mail Configuration and set your API Key.


Sendgrid requires a plain text body version to send messages. If the plain text body is empty, Sendgrid will return an error from the API, such as:

Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:{"errors":[{"message":"The content value must be a string at least one character in length.","field":"content.0.value"," (truncated...)

To avoid this error, you have two options:

  1. either include a plain text version for all your emails
  2. tick the checkbox "Automatically convert HTML to plain text, if plain text is empty."