
Spro, short for Shell Productivity is a terminal application meant to track your productive hours

Primary LanguageC++

spro: Shell-Productivity

Spro, short for Shell Productivity, is a terminal application meant to track your productive hours.


It's very important to create a .spro directory in your home directory!

By default, spro will install in /usr/local/bin. This can be changed by running $make INSTALL_DIR=custom_dir install, where custom_dir is the directory you want to install in.

$ mkdir ~/.spro
$ git clone https://github.com/mircea-mihail/spro
$ cd spro
$ sudo make install

To uninstall simply run

$ sudo make uninstall


Usage: spro [OPTION]...
Bash tool to track your progress while studying

    -s, --start <TITLE>           starts the timer and sets the session title as TITLE
    -e, --end                     stops the timer
    -t, --table <DAY>             prints the progress table for the day <DAY> is optional
                                  if no <DAY> is given, the current day is implied
    -w, --week                    does a -t on every file within the past 7 days
                                  and displays a total amount of hours worked during that time
    -d, --delete <LINE> <DAY>     deletes the line in the given file
                                  if no <DAY> is given, the current day is implied
    -b, --balance <DAY>           prints the total progress of a given day (format: 11Jan2022)
                                  if no <DAY> is given, the current day is implied
                                  the current progress (-c) is not taken into account
    -c, --current                 prints the current progress (how long has it been since -s without using -e)


Start the timer for developing a project:

spro -s project development

Stop the timer and display the table for today's progress:

spro -et

Print the table for today's progress:

spro -t

Print the table for the progress made on the 19th of February 2023:

spro -t 19Feb2023

Print the progress made during last week:

spro -w


The idea for this whole project came from my desire to track my productivity during a term. I would write on a piece of paper the time when I started learning for a particular exam, and the time when I stopped and at the end of the day I would add it all up. As this whole thing would usually be pretty tedious to do and also quite time consuming, I ended up automating this whole process in C++.