
Crypto trading strategy for Hyperliquid DEX

Primary LanguagePython

YOLO Crypto Trading Bot


This project implements a Python-based trading application that integrates with the Robot Wealth YOLO Crypto strategy. The strategy is based on Cross-Sectional and Time-Series momentum factors and is designed to execute trades and rebalance the portfolio weights through the Hyperliquid DEX.


  • Fetches YOLO weights using the Robot Wealth API.
  • Retrieves positions from the Hyperliquid DEX.
  • Calculates and executes trades based on the YOLO strategy.
  • Handles trade execution with market and limit orders.
  • Includes error handling and logging for better auditing and debugging.
  • Deployed as a Google Cloud Function triggered by Pub/Sub messages and scheduled via Cloud Scheduler.
  • example_utils.py from hyperliquid python SDK. https://github.com/hyperliquid-dex/hyperliquid-python-sdk

Version History

  • Version 1.0: Main function deployed to GCP Cloud Function. Added "No Yolo Trades" message when filtered DataFrame is empty.
  • Version 1.1: Added 500 error handler with a retry mechanism.
  • Version 1.2: Fixed a bug where duplicate orders were created due to duplicate code.
  • Version 1.3: Added a function to cancel unfilled open orders after a specific time and create market orders.



  • Python 3.x
  • Google Cloud SDK
  • Git
  • Virtualenv (optional but recommended)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repo.git
    cd your-repo
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment (optional but recommended):

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the required Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create a config.json file with your configuration parameters. See example_config.json :

        "cash": 10000,
        "buffer": 0.02,
        "MM": 0.5,
        "TM": 0.5,
        "ML": 2,
        "rw_api_key": "your_robot_wealth_api_key",
        "wallet_address": "your_hyperliquid_wallet_address"


Running Locally

To run the application locally, you can invoke the main function directly. Make sure to set up your logging and configuration properly.

Deploying to Google Cloud

  1. Create a Cloud Function:

    gcloud functions deploy yolo-crypto-trading-bot \
    --runtime python39 \
    --trigger-topic YOUR_TOPIC_NAME \
    --entry-point hello_pubsub \
    --memory 512MB \
    --timeout 540s
  2. Set Up Google Cloud Pub/Sub:

    • Create a Pub/Sub topic:

      gcloud pubsub topics create YOUR_TOPIC_NAME
    • Create a subscription to the topic (optional):

      gcloud pubsub subscriptions create YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME --topic YOUR_TOPIC_NAME
  3. Set Up Cloud Scheduler:

    • Create a Cloud Scheduler job to trigger the Cloud Function:
      gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub yolo-crypto-scheduler-job \
      --schedule="0 */1 * * *" \
      --time-zone="UTC" \
      --topic=YOUR_TOPIC_NAME \

Code Description

Main Components

  • PortfolioManager Class:

    • Manages the portfolio and executes trades based on YOLO weights and Hyperliquid positions.
    • Methods include fetching YOLO weights and Hyperliquid positions, merging and processing data, calculating target weights, handling price information, and executing trades.
  • hello_pubsub Function:

    • Triggered by Pub/Sub messages.
    • Loads configuration, creates an instance of PortfolioManager, processes data, and executes trades.

Key Functions

  • setup_logging(): Configures logging to write logs to a file.
  • get_yolo_weights(): Fetches YOLO weights from the Robot Wealth API.
  • get_hyperliquid_positions(): Retrieves current positions from Hyperliquid.
  • merge_and_process_data(): Merges YOLO weights with Hyperliquid positions and processes the data.
  • execute_trades(): Executes the trades based on the processed data.
  • check_and_modify_orders(): Sleep timer to check if orders have been filled, if not will execute market orders, needs some refactoring and future imprmovements.


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions, feature requests, or find a bug, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.