
mircea presenting

Mircea Lungu is associate professor in computer science at the IT University of Copenhagen. Before coming to Denmark he was assistant professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of University of Groningen where he was a member of the SEARCH research group and the Data Science Pioneers group. He was also part time visiting researcher in the SWAT group at CWI in Amsterdam. Before that he was postdoc at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and for six months, visiting researcher at IBM TJ Watson Research Center in New York. He got his PhD working with Michele Lanza and the REVEAL research group at the University of Lugano, in Switzerland. His interests are in software visualization, tools for software evolution, human computer interaction, and personalized learning environments.

As of Mar 31, I just had a new idea I'm trying a new experiment: thoughtstream.

Research Interests

Research Prototypes

I always loved and I still love coding. However, nowadays I'm more of a product owner that guides and advises talented groups of students that create and evaluate innovative prototypes. Some of these projects are:

  • Git-Truck - visualizing git repositories for fun and profit
  • Flask Monitoring Dashboard - a lightweight API monitor for Flask/Python systems
  • ArchLens - helps developers track the evolution of the structure of their systems
  • Zeeguu - personalized adaptive reading and vocabulary practice online
  • Aiki - a browser extension that uses procrastination for good
  • Dansk-in-Town - an app for gamifying vocabulary learning in town
  • MathsCamp - personalized maths for kids

> past projects


Pieces of text that aim to have a beginning and an end... slowly porting them here from other platforms:

Notes and writings in progress

Assorted notes Importance-of-Maintenance // How-to-Read-a-Research-Paper // Good-Code-Is-Readable // A-Performance-Problem // The-Badly-Designed-Everyday-Things | Book-Reviews | // ChatGPT-and-CoPilot // Import-boilerplate-in-react

Student Projects

If you're interested in a student project, look at the prototypes and directions listed above and see whether you'd like to contribute to any of them. At the end of each, there are several ideas of possible future directions.

You can also look at the list of projects available on GitHub - for more other ideas. Use this list more as a hint at the kinds of projects I'm interested in. If you have an idea that is similar, we can still discuss. But if it's very far, then I won't be able to supervise you.

Also, when contacting me for a project please send me 0) your degree programme 1) a recent CV, 2) a transcript of your grades, and 3) a link to your GitHub repository. This helps me understand what are your strengths and weaknesses and guide you towards more appropriate projects.

If you're curious about how a thesis with me might look like, you can find several past Thesis-Examples on this website.


I am currently teaching or co-teaching the following courses at ITU:

  • DevOps and Software Evolution, with H. Pfeiffer, Spring (2020 - ...)
  • Technical Interaction Design, Fall (2019 - ...)
  • Software Architecture, with K. Manikas, Fall 2018, Spring (2019 - ...)
  • Advanced Software Engineering, with Y. Dittrich, E.Paja, P. Tell, H. Pfeiffer, Fall (2019 - ...)

In the past I have been involved in teaching a wide variety of computer science courses, including: Concurrent Programming, UI Design, Compiler Construction, Introduction to Data ScienceSoftware Engineering.


  • Nov '23 - Awarded a 2M DKK Villum Experiment grant (🎉) to study the impact of hyper-personalized reading recommendations on the motivation of foreign languages. Work will be done in the context of the zeeguu project.
  • Nov, 2022 - Visiting the lab of Gregorio Robles and Jesus Gonzales-Barahonja at U. Rey-Juan Carlos in Madrid
  • Oct, 2022 - Attending Vissoft 2022 where we're presenting two papers about Git-Truck
  • Sept, 2022 - Accepted to become the General Chair for the Vissoft 2023 which will happen in Bogota, Colombia

more news

Further Web Coordinates


  • Office: 4th Floor, DR Building, Emil-Holms Kanal, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Email: mlun -that-sign- itu -dot- dk

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