
Unit test framework for hive and hive-service

Primary LanguageJava


A simple way to test Hadoop and Hive using maven.

Setup with Maven

Run these commands initially or whenever your project is cleaned.

Download Hadoop (into the maven target directory)

mvn wagon:download-single

Extract Hadoop (into the maven target directory)

mvn exec:exec


  • hadoop 0.20.X in your path ie /usr/bin/hadoop
  • set your HADOOP_HOME environment variable to a hadoop distribution
  • hadoop tar extracted to $home/hadoop/hadoop-0.20.2-local


Hive_test gives us an embedded Hive including an embedded Derby database, and a local HiveThriftService. This allows us to create unit tests very easily.

public class ServiceExampleTest extends HiveTestService {

  public ServiceExampleTest() throws IOException {

  public void testExecute() throws Exception {
    Path p = new Path(this.ROOT_DIR, "afile");

    FSDataOutputStream o = this.getFileSystem().create(p);
    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(o));

    client.execute("create table  atest  (num int)");
    client.execute("load data local inpath '" + p.toString() 
      + "' into table atest");
    client.execute("select count(1) as cnt from atest");
    String row = client.fetchOne();
    assertEquals(row, "2");
    client.execute("drop table atest");