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Multiplaform graphql query implementation.

  • Use Kotlinx.serialization to deserialize objects
  • No codegen for now

Sending a graphql request

1 - Create the models for your response
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

data class DataResponse<T>(val data: T)

data class FooResponse(val foo: Foo)

data class Foo(val __typename: String, val id: String)
2 - Create a graphql query
class FooQuery(fooId: String) :
    AbstractGraphqlQuery<DataResponse<FooResponse>>(DataResponse.serializer(FooResponse.serializer())) {

    override val variables: Map<String, Any>? =
        mutableMapOf<String, Any>("fooId" to fooId)

    override val query = """
    query(${'$'}fooId: String!) {
        foo(fooId: ${'$'}fooId) {
3 - Execute your query
val query = GraphqlQueryPublisher(FooQuery("3"))
query.subscribe(cancellableManager) {
    print(it.data.foo.id) // 3

Using with Trikot.datasources

val myDataSource = GraphqlDataSource<DataResponse<FooResponse>>(GraphqlPublisherFactoryImpl())
val dataSourceState = myDataSource.read(GraphqlQueryDataSourceRequest(FooQuery("3"), "cachableId-3"))


Import dependencies
    api "com.mirego.trikot:graphql:$trikot_graphql_version"
    jvm "com.mirego.trikot:graphql-jvm:$trikot_graphql_version"
    js "com.mirego.trikot:graphql-js:$trikot_graphql_version"
    iosx64 "com.mirego.trikot:graphql-iosx64:$trikot_graphql_version"
    iosarm64 "com.mirego.trikot:graphql-iosarm64:$trikot_graphql_version"