Vue.js Form

About The Project

Experimenting with Vue.js

This is a small project in which you will find a multistep form with different views to complete and a final summary.

Built with 🚀

  • Vue.js as a javascript framework.
  • Vuex as a a state management.
  • Sass as CSS framework.
  • Bootstrap as a component library
  • Yup as a JavaScript schema builder for validation.
  • VeeValidate as a form validation library for Vue.js

Getting Started ⚙️

  • First install the dependencies
npm install
  • To run the project locally
npm run dev

Decisions 📚

For the implementation of this project, as a personal challenge, I have relied on several tools:

  • Use create-vue to start a Vue 3 project in an easy way.
  • For the the form I used the libraries VeeValidate and Yup to validate the form, and Bootstrap to style the inputs and buttons.
  • However, for the layout of the ODS and Summary views I preferred to do it with Flexbox and without bootstrap.
  • To manage the state management between the different steps I used Vuex.

Improvements 📝

  • I would have liked to add the step for favourite books to the exercise, including a fetch to this api. Time constraints and since it is not a framework I am used to, have not allowed me to do so.
  • Deploy the project on a hosting service.

About me: 👩🏻‍💻