
Core Foundation Test Allocator to spot memory leaks

Primary LanguageC

Core Test Allocator Reference

Declared in | CoreTestAllocator.h Copyright | 2011 Mirek Rusin <mirek [at] me [dot] com>


Test allocator helps spot memory leaks in your Core Foundation based frameworks.

Functions by Task

Creating Allocator

Getting Information on Allocated Addresses and Backtraces



Creates test allocator.

CFAllocatorRef TestAllocatorCreate (

Return Value

New test allocator. To release allocator use CFRelease(allocator).


Get currently allocated addresses.

CFMutableArrayRef TestAllocatorGetAddresses(
  CFAllocatorRef allocator

Return Value

An array of currently allocated addresses.


Get a backtrace for the address.

CFMutableArrayRef TestAllocatorGetBacktracesWithAddress(
  CFAllocatorRef allocator,
  CFStringRef address

Return Value

A backtrace for the address.


CFStringRef TestAllocatorCreateTraceString (


CFMutableDictionaryRef TestAllocatorCreateAddressesAndBacktracesDictionary (
  CFAllocatorRef allocator


void TestAllocatorPrintAddressesAndBacktraces (
  CFAllocatorRef allocator


In your project, create Unit Test Bundle if you haven't already.

Then add submodule to the Test Bundle the project:

git submodule init
git submodule add git://github.com/mirek/CoreTestAllocator.git YourProjectTests/CoreTestAllocator

Drag and drop CoreTestAllocator.h and CoreTestAllocator.c files into YourProjectTests/Supporting Files group in Xcode 4.

You're ready now to start using the allocator, in your test case file you can add:

#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>
#import "CoreTestAllocator/CoreTestAllocator.h"
#import "CoreOSC.h"

@interface CoreOSCTests : SenTestCase {
  CFAllocatorRef allocator;


And the

#import "CoreOSCTests.h"

@implementation CoreOSCTests

- (void) setUp {
  [super setUp];

  allocator = TestAllocatorCreate();

- (void) tearDown {
  STAssertTrue(TestAllocatorGetAllocationsCount(allocator) > 0, @"Allocations count should be more than 0");
  STAssertTrue(TestAllocatorGetDeallocationsCount(allocator) > 0, @"Deallocations count should be more than 0");
  STAssertEquals(TestAllocatorGetAllocationsCount(allocator), TestAllocatorGetDeallocationsCount(allocator), @"Allocations/deallocations mismatch");

  if (TestAllocatorGetAllocationsCount(allocator) != TestAllocatorGetDeallocationsCount(allocator))


  [super tearDown];

- (void) testExample {
  OSCRef osc = OSCCreate(allocator, CFSTR(""), CFSTR("60000"));
  CFIndex testFloatIndex = OSCAddressesAppendWithString(osc, CFSTR("/test/float"));
  OSCSendFloat(osc, testFloatIndex, 3.14);


For each non-deallocated address TestAllocatorPrintAddressesAndBacktraces(allocator) prints the stack trace similar to:

0x100504390 address not deallocated, allocated from 1 place(s):
0   CoreOSCTests                        0x00000001000eef31 TestAllocatorCreateTraceString + 97
1   CoreOSCTests                        0x00000001000eea8b TestAllocatorAllocateCall + 107
2   CoreOSCTests                        0x00000001000ef840 OSCCreate + 80
3   CoreOSCTests                        0x00000001000ee6ed -[CoreOSCTests testExample] + 77
4   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff80fdf96c __invoking___ + 140
5   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff80fdf83d -[NSInvocation invoke] + 141
6   SenTestingKit                       0x0000000100487781 -[SenTestCase invokeTest] + 48
7   SenTestingKit                       0x000000010048787e -[SenTestCase performTest:] + 177
8   SenTestingKit                       0x000000010048721c -[SenTest run] + 68
9   SenTestingKit                       0x000000010048a599 -[SenTestSuite performTest:] + 116
10  SenTestingKit                       0x000000010048721c -[SenTest run] + 68
11  SenTestingKit                       0x000000010048a599 -[SenTestSuite performTest:] + 116
12  SenTestingKit                       0x000000010048721c -[SenTest run] + 68
13  SenTestingKit                       0x000000010048952b +[SenTestProbe runTests:] + 151
14  otest                               0x0000000100001ce8 0x0 + 4294974696
15  otest                               0x00000001000020d8 0x0 + 4294975704
16  otest                               0x0000000100001a00 0x0 + 4294973952
17  otest                               0x00000001000019b4 0x0 + 4294973876
18  ???                                 0x0000000000000006 0x0 + 6

Where the first two lines can be ignored. The third one shows that the OSCCreate function have allocated 0x100504390 address which has never been released.