
Simple django template for frontend developers

Primary LanguagePython

Django frontend template with foundation 6

Install under ubuntu

sudo apt-get --yes install libjpeg-dev build-essential python3-dev libfreetype6-dev git

Create project

Download install script and make it executable:

wget https://raw.github.com/mireq/django-frontend-template/master/install.sh -O install.sh&&chmod +x install.sh

Create project with name project_name:

./install.sh project_name

To run test server

cd project_name
make runserver

To enable autoprefixer (if not enabled automatically)

npm install postcss-cli autoprefixer

Then edit web/settings_local.py and add line:

COMPRESS_POSTCSS_BINARY = '/path/to/postcss'


This project has builtin support for sprites with standard and @2x (retina) resolution.

Sprites are compiled with command:

make compilesprites

Source images are defined in web/assets.py in list named 'images':

{ 'name': 'check', 'src': 'img/sprites/check.png' },
{ 'name': 'radio', 'src': 'img/sprites/radio.png' },

Sprites are adressed using name attribute:

/* file.scss */
.icon-checkbox {
    @include sprite(check);
    display: block;