
Build Urdu SpaCy Model

Primary LanguagePython

Project setup

run command to setup assets(dataset from UD)

spacy project assets

It uses project.yml file and download the data from UD GitHub repository.

Download vectors

Download fasttext vectors

wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fasttext/vectors-crawl/cc.ur.300.vec.gz 

Use these vectors to prune it so that model size is reduced. I'm currently using 100000 vectors for training the model.

mkdir vectors
python -m spacy init vectors ur cc.ur.300.vec.gz  ./vectors --truncate 100000 --name ur_model.vectors


Replace Other with O to train a better model.

sed -i 's/Other/O/g' ner/100000.txt 

convert tsv to json

python tsv_to_json.py

Now convert json to spacy pickle format.

python json_to_spacy.py -i ner/urdu_ner_dataset.json -o ner/urdu_ner_dataset.txt

Now convert to spacy .spacy binary format.

python json2spacy3.3.py

Train the model

Now run the command to train the tagger and parser for Urdu language.

spacy project run all

It will train the tagger and parser model on cpu. You can specify gpu in project.yml file.

Install the model

After training, you can install and use the model.

pip install ur_model-0.0.0.tar.gz 

There is a script test.py on how to use the model.

Spacy 3.3

Create config.cfg from base_config.cfg

python -m spacy init fill-config base_config.cfg config.cfg

Train two models i.e. one for tagger, parser etc and second for ner. To train tagger and parser run

spacy project assets
spacy project run all

Train ner model

spacy train configs/config.cfg --output ./ner3 --paths.train corpus/train.spacy --paths.dev corpus/dev.spacy

Install both models

pip install location/ur_model.xxxx.tar.gz
pip install location/ur_ner.xxxx.tar.gz

Now Merge two trained models.

python merge_tp2ner.py

Now uninstall these models

pip uninstall ur_model
pip uninstall ur_ner

Now package merged model

# create packages directory if get error
spacy package ur_ner packages --name "ner" --version "0.0.0" --force

Now install it

pip install location/ur_ner.xxx.tar.gz