ATTINY 84 Getting Started
Preferences>Additional Boards Manager URLs Add
Sketch>Include Library>Manage Library select attiny
Don't wire to ATtiny yet you need to upload the ArduinoISP sketch just like any other program. So Tools>Board>ArduinoUno then File>Examples>ArduinoISP and upload to the board.
Now the Uno is programmed so we can
Tools>Programmer>Arduino as ISP
Wire Up
Pin 1 on ATTINY 84A bottom left if nothch is facing left. Mine has a triangle also showing pin 1. Pin 2 is next to it pin 8 is opposite pin 7, pin 14 opposite pin 1.
- Wire Arduino Uno +5V to ATtiny84 Pin 1 (vcc)
- Uno pin 10 to ATtiny pin 4 (reset)
- Uno pin 11 to ATtiny pin 7 (MOSI)
- Uno pin 12 to ATtiny pin 8 (MISO)
- Uno pin 13 to ATtiny pin 9 (SCK)
- Uno GND to ATtiny pin 14 (GND)
- Uno RESET to 10uF cap then cap to GND
Uno Pin | ATtiny84 Pin |
+5V | 1 (vcc) |
10 | 4 (reset) |
11 | 7 (MOSI) |
12 | 8 (MISO) |
13 | 9 (SCK) |
GND | 14 (GND) |
RESET | 10uF cap then cap to GND |
Now load an example like blink and upload. The Uno will send it to the ATtiny.
To run at 8mhz Tools>Clock>8MHz Internal
Tools>Burn Bootloader
Then upload a sketch