In Aora, users will take fitness clases from an instructor in a live feed wherever and whenever they want. Users can schedule clases depending on their time availability and keep a log of classes they have taken in the past.
- Homepage - As a user, I want to check the calendar for upcoming classes and get active! 🏠
- Calendar results - As a user I want to see a list of classes available for today displayed on a timetable, the posibility to see upcoming days and a way to filter criteria to match my needs. 🔎
- Class information - As a user I want to be able to click on a class, see the information on the class schedule, goal, duration and instructor, adding it to my schedule or deleting it. 💪
- Sign Up -As a user I want to sign up quickly and get in there, straigth to Aora. 🏋️♂️
- Log In - As a user I want to be greeted with a HELLO! and riderected to the homepage. 🙌
- Log Out - As a user I want to be You are done with your workout, you can log out so no one can access your account. 👋
- User Profile - As users, we want to be able to edit our profiles whenever we need it. Here we will have our personal information, a profile picture, classes we have done in the past and upcoming classes that we have signed up for. 🥊
Method | Route | Description | Request - Body |
`/ | Main page route. Renders home index view. Splash |
/private/calendar | ||
/private/my-schedule |
Renders /private/my-schedule form view |
/private/class-details/:idClass |
Renders /private/class-details form view. |
/private/class-details/:idClass |
Manage schedule and unschedule. Renders /private/class-details form view. |
{name, description, closure message, schedule, duration, class type, difficulty, url} |
/private/class-schedule/add/:idClass |
Add class to user's schedule | {User.class: [ClassId]}` |
/private/class-schedule/delete/:idClass |
Delete class from user's schedule | {User.class: [ClassId]}` |
/auth/signup |
Renders auth/signup form view. |
/auth/signup |
Sends Sign Up info to the server and creates user in the DB. Renders auth/signup view. |
{email, password, repeat password} |
/auth/login |
Renders auth/login form view. |
/auth/login |
Sends Log In form data to the server and redirects to homepage. | {email, password} |
/auth/logout |
Logges user out and redirects to login view. |
/private/profile/:userId |
Private route. Renders private/profile view. |
/private/edit-user/:userId |
Private route. Renders private/edit-user form view. |
/private/edit-user/:userId |
Private route. Sends edit-profile info to server and updates user in DB and in profile view. |
{[imageUrl], name, lastName, gender, e-mail, birthDate, city, country, password, type, height, weight, goal, body type} |
/private/live-class/:classId |
Renders the /private/live-class view class live feed. |
GET` | /private/progress |
Readers training progress for the user. Clasess attended |
name: String,
lastName: String,
email: {type: String, unique: true },
gender: {String, enum: ["Male", "Female", "Other"]},
birthDate: Date,
city: String,
country: String,
password: String,
userType: {type: String, enum:["user","trainer"]},
picUrl: String,
userHeight: Number,
userWeight: Number,
userGoal: {type: String, default: "", enum: ["STRENGHT","WEIGHT LOSS", "MASS GAIN", "GENERAL HEALTH"]} ,
userBodyType: {type: String, default: false, enum: ["Ectomorph", "Endomorph","Esomorph"]} ,
userWeightGoal: Number,
trainerBio: String,
trainerRate: Number,
scheduledClasses: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘Class’ }]
trainer: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" }],
name: {String, unique: true},
description: String,
closureMessage: String,
scheduled: Date,
duration: Number,
classType: {type:String, enum:["Hiit", "Strenght", "Stretch"]} ,
difficulty: {type:String, enum: ["Hard", "Medium", "Easy"]},
url: String,
equipment: [{type:String, enum:["Yoga mat", "Dumbells", "Elastic band", "None"]}]
- Instructor option such as setting up a profile and a class, checking user's profile.
- Badges, prices, achievements.
- Allow users to interact with each other and see others' profiles.
- Video on demand.
- Live feed join button.
- Multi timezone.