
Angula application for CRUD Heroes

Primary LanguageTypeScript

superhero-app A brief description of your application and its purpose.


List Heroes: List of heroes Search Heroes: Search in List of heroes Add Hero: Add Hero. Modify Hero 3: Modify Hero. Delete Hero 3: Delete Hero.


Angular CLI: 16.1.4 Node: 16.16.0 Package Manager: npm 8.11.0 Angular CLI (version 16.1.4)


Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/mirko1075/superhero-app.git Navigate to the project directory: cd project-directory Install the dependencies: npm install


Start the application: ng serve Open your browser and access http://localhost:4200


.ev: Must contain PORT and MONGODB_URI constants Contribution Fork the repository. Create a new branch: git checkout -b branch-name Make changes and commit: git commit -m "Description of changes" Push the branch: git push origin branch-name Create a pull request on GitHub.


Specify the license used for your application. For example:

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Name: Mirko Siddi Email: mirko.siddi@gmail.com If you have any questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out.

Acknowledgements Acknowledge any individuals or resources that have been helpful in the development of your application.

Thank you for using our application!