
Objective-C library that allows you to use forEach, filter or collect on NSArray

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Objective-C Pretty Iterators

Ever been annoyed by having to use C for-loops to do something simple like filtering or collecting objects from NSArray? This library will give you some relief:

[someArray forEach:^(id each) {
  // do something with each element

NSArray* filteredArray = [someArray filter:^(id each) {
  return [each isEqual: aCoolObject];

NSArray* collectedArray = [someArray collect: ^(id each) {
  if([each isEqual: aCoolObject]) {
    return @"cool";
  } else {
    return @"not cool";

[someDictionary keysAndValues: ^(id key, id value) {
  //do something with the current key and value