
Convert response to CSV based on the response schema

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Hapi-csv Build Status


Converts the response to csv based on the Joi response schema when the Accept header includes text/csv or application/csv or the requested route ends with .csv


npm install hapi-csv

Register the hapi-csv plugin on the server

	register: require('hapi-csv'),
	options: {
		maximumElementsInArray: 5,
		separator: ','
}, function (err) {

	if (err) throw err;

When you have a route on which a response schema is defined, like in the example below, the plugin will convert the response to csv when the Accept header includes text/csv or application/csv or the requested route ends with .csv

const routes = [{
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/users',
    handler: Users.getAll,
    config: {
        response: {
            schema: Joi.object().keys({
                first_name: Joi.string(),
                last_name: Joi.string(),
                age: Joi.number()

Either do GET /users with header Accept: text/csv or Accept: application/csv. Or do GET /users.csv. The header approach is prefered.

Currently the content-disposition header is set to attachment; by default since this plugin is intended for exporting purposes, if this hinders you just let us know.

To handle typical pagination responses like

    "page": 1,
    "items": [
        { "name": "Anton", "age": 22 },
        { "name": "Lisa", "age": 25 }

pass in the resultKey option:

    register: require('hapi-csv'),
    options: {
        resultKey: 'items'
}, function (err) {

    if (err) throw err;