
Implementing a Node.js based API with AWS Lambda and API Gateway

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#API Gateway / Lambda examples


Implementing a Node.js based API with AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Ideally with no trade-offs compared to the convenience of something like Hapi.js deployed on Heroku.

Having reviewed Apex, Serverless and Gordon I went with the latter one.

  • Apex: based on Terraform and only supports Lambda - no Gateway definition.
  • Serverless: allows definition of both Lambda functions and API Gateways. Seems like it requires plenty of boilerplate to manage a large API. Misses good documentation and examples.
  • Gordon: has a convenient file structure for managing multiple API services. Feels like its not hiding too much under leaky abstractions. Plenty of examples and good docs. The generated cloudformation scripts and resources are easily accessible.

Some of the roadblocks I stumbled upon and tried to resolve

The missing gzip support seems like a real blocker.