
Flocken (German for "flakes") is a collection of utilities for nix flakes.

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT


Flocken (German for "flakes") is a collection of utilities for nix flakes.


The project supports semantic versioning, so we advise to pin the major version (e.g., v2) to avoid breaking changes.

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
    flocken = {
      url = "github:mirkolenz/flocken/v2";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
  outputs = {nixpkgs, flocken, ...}:  {};

Flocken currently provides the following attributes:

Create and push a Docker manifest to a registry. This is particularly useful for multi-arch images. The function takes the following attrset as an argument:

  • images (required): List of Docker images to be added to the manifest. Can for instance be produced using dockerTools.buildLayeredImage. Note: This should be a list of identical images for different architectures.
  • version: Semantic version of the image (e.g., v1.0.0 or 1.0.0).
  • branch: Name of the git branch (e.g., main). Defaults to the environment variable GITHUB_REF_NAME in GitHub actions if GITHUB_REF_TYPE == "branch".
  • defaultBranch: Name of the git branch that is used as default for the latest tag. Defaults to main. If the GitHub option is enabled, this option is set automatically.
  • tags: List of additional tags to be added to the manifest.
  • autoTags: Attrset with configuration for tags that are generated automatically:
    • branch: Boolean indicating whether the branch name should be added as a tag.
    • latest: Boolean indicating whether the latest tag should be added as a tag. If branch == defaultBranch, this is set to true by default.
    • version: Boolean indicating whether the version should be added as a tag.
    • majorMinor: Boolean indicating whether the major and minor version (e.g., 1.0) should be added as a tag.
    • major: Boolean indicating whether the major version (e.g., 1) should be added as a tag.
  • registries: Attrset with configuration for the Docker registries to be used. The key is the name of the registry (e.g., ghcr.io) and the value is an attrset with the following attributes:
    • enable: Boolean indicating whether the registry should be used.
    • repo: Fully qualified name of the Docker image in the registry (e.g., mirkolenz/flocken).
    • username: Username for pushing to the registry.
    • password: Password for pushing to the registry.
  • annotations: List of annotations to be added to the manifest. If the GitHub option is enabled, most org.opencontainers.image annotations are added automatically for public repositories.
  • github: Attrset with configuration for GitHub. The following attributes are supported:
    • enable: Boolean indicating whether the GitHub defaults are applied. If set to true, you need to run nix with the --impure flag in order to access the GitHub API.
    • token: GitHub access token. Used as default value for registries."ghcr.io".password.
    • actor: GitHub actor. Used as default value for registries."ghcr.io".username. Defaults to environment variable GITHUB_ACTOR in GitHub actions.
    • repo: Full name of the GitHub repository (e.g., mirkolenz/flocken). Used as default value for registries."ghcr.io".repo. Defaults to environment variable GITHUB_REPOSITORY in GitHub actions.
    • registry: Name of the container registry. Can be used to override the default ghcr.io.
    • apiEndpoint: URL of the GitHub API endpoint. Can be used to override the default https://api.github.com.

Some arguments (e.g., version) differ between invocations and thus need to be provided in a dynamic fashion. We recommend to use environment variables for this purpose. For instance, when running in a GitHub action, you only have to provide a value for VERSION and GH_TOKEN and then can use the following snippet:

dockerManifest = mkDockerManifest {
  github = {
    enable = true;
    token = "$GH_TOKEN";
  version = builtins.getEnv "VERSION";
  images = with self.packages; [x86_64-linux.dockerImage aarch64-linux.dockerImage];


Reading environment variables requires the --impure flag (e.g., nix run --impure .#dockerManifest). Do not use builtins.getEnv to read secrets, as this would expose them in the Nix store and could lead to uploading them to binary caches. For tokens/password, pass the name of the environment variable instead.

Here is a complete example for a GitHub action that is able to build an image for multiple architectures:

    branches: [main]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: write
      packages: write
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3
          platforms: arm64
      - uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@v6
          extra-conf: |
            extra-platforms = aarch64-linux
      - uses: DeterminateSystems/magic-nix-cache-action@v2
      - run: nix run --impure .#dockerManifest
          VERSION: "1.0.0"
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}


This repo uses the nix-systems pattern, making it externally extensible.