
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Yet Another CLI UI Library

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A clean UI library in node.js for the command line
Note: This is still work in progress. Please use it with care!


npm install yacliui

This package supports Node 8 and above

It's a library. So import it into your scripts first:

const ui = require('yacliui')

API Overview


See the Example Script for more info.

ui.headline(str, align)

Type: Function

Prints a capitalized green headline with alignment


Type: String

The Headline string to show.


Type: String Default: left

You can either use left, center or right for the alignment.


ui.headline('Nicely formatted headline')

ui.message(msg, state, showTime)

Type: Function

You can print a simple message with or without a timestamp, status string and colored status code.


Type: String


Type: String|Number


Type: Boolean


ui.message('Message without anything')
ui.message('Message with time code', true)
ui message('Message with time code and status string', '15ms', true)
ui.message('Message with time code and status code (warning)', 301, true)

ui.info(msg, showTime)

Type: Function

Shortcut for an info message in white with or without time stamp.


ui.info('Info message in white')

ui.warning(msg, showTime)

Type: Function

Shortcut for an warning message in yellow with or without time stamp.


ui.warning('Warning message in yellow')

ui.error(msg, showTime)

Type: Function

Shortcut for an error message in red with or without time stamp.


ui.error('Error message in red', true) // with time stamp

ui.found(num, topic)

Type: Function

Shows a message how many items of a specific topic have been found.

Please note that the topic is an array of two strings: The singular and the plural! This only works in English since the function automatically uses »has been found« or »have been found«.


Type: Number

The number of items.


Type: Array

An Array of the singular and plural word of the topic, such as:

const topic = ['item', 'items']


ui.found(1, ['apple', 'apples'])
// Output: 1 apple has been found.
ui.found(6, ['apple', 'apples'])
// Output: 6 apples have been found.

ui.foundOf(num1, topic1, num2, topic2)

Type: Function

This function is basically the same as ui.found(), but shows how many items of a topic have been found in a number of items in another topic.

The options are the same like in the function above, but twice. You can leave the first topic array empty if you like.


ui.foundof(7, [], 10, ['apple', 'apples'])
// Output: 7 of 10 apples have been found.
ui.foundOf(3, ['piece', 'pieces'], 10, ['apple', 'apples'])
// Output: 3 pieces of 10 apples have been found.


See the Example Script for more info.

ui.list(entries, opts)

Type: Function

Show an array as an unordered or ordered list.


Type: Array

List entries as an array of strings.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Show an ordered list instead of an unordered one.


ui.list(['first', 'second', 'third'], { ordered: true })

ui.definitionList(entries, opts)

Show a definition list of an array of objects with term and definition:


Type: Array

Definition list entries as an array of objects. The objects contain term and definition:

  term: 'UI',
  definition: 'User Interface'


Type: Boolean Default: false

Show an ordered definition list instead of an unordered one. This shows three rows instead of two.


Type: Number Default: 2

Padding between term and definition.


    term: 'First term',
    definition: 'First definition'
    term: 'First term',
    definition: 'First definition'
], { padding: 4 })


See the Example Script for more info.

Note: For now I use the popular library Prompts for the input section. I will code this later myself, so there is not another big dependency.

ui.ask(question, initial)

Type: Async Function Returns: String

Prompts a question and will return either the initial answer or the string the user has put in.


Type: String

The question the user will be asked.


Type: String

The default value of an answer the user can confirm with enter.


(async () => {
  var answer = await ui.ask('What is your name?', 'Anonymous')
  console.log('Your name is ' + answer + '.')

ui.confirm(question, initial)

Type: Async Function Returns: Boolean

Prompts any question the user can answer with yes or no.


Type: String

The question the user will be asked.


Type: Boolean

The default value of an answer the user can confirm with enter.


(async () => {
  var pretty = await ui.confirm('Are you pretty?', true)
  if (pretty) {
    console.log('Yes, you are pretty!')
  } else {
    console.log('You are ugly as hell!')


See the Example Script for more info.

ui.digits(number, opts)

Type: Function

Prints a huge 3x5 font for numbers like temperatue or time. Please note, that this function is still under development!


Type: Number|String

The number to be displayed. Please note that by now only Numbers are fully functioning!


Type: Number Default: 4

The maximum of digits to be displayed.


Type: Number Default: 2

The maximum of decimals to be displayed.


Type: Boolean Default: true

If this option is true, the number of displayed characters always stay the same. If a number isn't in range of opts.max_digits and opts.max_decimals the number will be rounded within their boundaries.

If opts.fixed is false, only opts.max_decimals will be considered.


Type: String Default: green

This is the color the whole number will be displayed in. You can use any definition of the color library chalk, e.g. blue.dim or white.bgRed.


ui.digits(12.479, {
  max_decimals: 2,
  color: 'blue.dim'