
A Python logging module for streamlined and flexible logging configuration.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Logger Module

A Python logging module for streamlined and flexible logging configuration.


This module provides a convenient setup for Python logging with customizable configurations. It enables you to easily integrate logging into your projects, allowing you to capture important information and errors efficiently.


  • Structured Logging: Log messages include timestamps, log levels, filenames, line numbers, function names, and the actual log message for comprehensive information.
  • Multiple Handlers: Supports logging to standard output, standard error, and rotating log files simultaneously.
  • Filtering: Filters log records based on the specified log level, ensuring that only relevant messages are processed.
  • Configurability: Easily adapt the logging setup to your needs by modifying the provided configuration dictionary.


To use this logging module, simply copy the logger.py file into your project.


  1. Import the module at the entrypoint of your application:
    It will handle logging configuration.
import logger
  1. Create a logger object instance:
    In example below module name used to created named logger. Predefined logger names are in logging_configuration_dict.
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  1. Configure the logging setup (optional):
    Modify the logging_configuration_dict dictionary in the logger.py file according to your preferences. You can adjust formatting, handlers, log levels, and more.

Example configuration for logging_configuration_dict

    "version": 1,
    "formatters": {
        "fmt_long": {
            # ... (format details)
        "fmt_short": {
            # ... (format details)
    "filters": {
        "warnings_and_below": {
            "()": "logger.level_filter_maker",
            "level": "WARNING",
    "handlers": {
        "stdout": {
            # ... (stdout handler details)
        "stderr": {
            # ... (stderr handler details)
        "rotating_fh": {
            # ... (rotating file handler details)
    "loggers": {
        "main": {
            # ... (main logger details)
    "root": {
        # ... (root logger details)

Feel free to customize the configuration based on your project's requirements.

  1. Start logging in your application:
log.debug("Debug message")
log.info("Informational message")
log.warning("Warning message")
log.error("Error message")
log.critical("Critical message")


This module is released under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it as needed. If you find it helpful, consider giving it a star.

For more details and advanced usage, please refer to the python official logging documentation.