
~/ sweet ~/

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

My `~ sweet ~` of configuration files.



Welcome to my dotfiles! :octocat: A one step installer is provided in the Installation section below. These configs are also an iterative process and will be continuously improved.

Table of Contents

📷 Gallery

The gruvbox dark mode palette by Pavel Pertsev is used for the theme.

gruvbox dark mode palette image

In progress...

📄 Details

Below is a list of the tools I use for my current setup.

👀 Package Overview

  • i3wm
  • alacritty
  • polybar
  • feh
  • firefox
  • w3m
  • syncthing-gtk
  • mpd
  • ncmpcpp
  • zathura
    • poppler
  • maim
  • cal
  • neovim
    • vim-plug
    • fzf
    • fzf.vim
    • nerdtree
    • nerdtree-git-plugin
    • vim-devicons
    • nerdcommenter
    • undotree
    • lightline
    • vim-gitgutter
    • vim-rainbow
    • nvim-colorizer.lua
    • markdown-preview.nvim
    • vim-markdown-toc
    • tabular
    • vim-polyglot
    • bullets.vim
    • gruvbox
  • zsh
  • rofi
  • ranger
  • yay
  • glances
  • siji-git
  • noto-fonts

📥 Installation

To install you may manually copy and replace your desired configs, or you may use the installation script given you have the necessary prerequisites. A list of packages and addons used are listed below.

🔒 Prerequisites

  • A Unix operating system
  • One of curl, wget, or fetch
  • find, grep, and git for overall install
  • (optional) stow and ln for hard linking configs and files

✳️ Dotfiles

The dotfiles are installed by running one of the following commands in your terminal.

Method Command
curl sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miroesli/dotfiles/master/tools/install.sh)"
wget sh -c "$(wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miroesli/dotfiles/master/tools/install.sh)"
fetch sh -c "$(fetch -o - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miroesli/dotfiles/master/tools/install.sh)"

Additional parameters can be specified including:

  • --link for creating hard links for easier file management with the repository
  • --no-backup for replacing existing configs without backing them up
  • --verbose for a more detailed output of the installation process

These are simply appended to the install script as seen below

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miroesli/dotfiles/master/tools/install.sh)" "" --no-backup --link --verbose

📮 Packages

You can quickly install all the packages I use for archlinux by using the command below.

sudo pacman -S - < PACKAGES.md

🦊 Firefox

For the same firefox setup, just install the following.

🎹 Keybinds

Keybind Action
mod + enter Spawn terminal
mod + d Launch rofi
mod + shift + q Close client
mod + [arrow keys hjkl]
mod + shift + [arrow keys hjkl]
mod + [1-0] View tag AKA change workspace
mod + shift + [1-0] Move focused client to tag
mod + control + [left right hl]
mod + control + shift + [left right hl]
mod + shift + [1-0] Move container to another workspace
mod + shift + space Toggle floating client
mod + e Tiling layout. Hit again to toggle split.
mod + s Stacking layout
mod + w Tabbed layout
mod + shift + g Gaps layout
mod + r + [arrow keys hjkl]
mod + f Toggle fullscreen
mod + shift + c Reload the configuration file
mod + shift + r Restart i3 inplace
mod + shift + e Exit i3

... And many many more. See the config files for more specific keybinds.

💿 Old Configs

Pillars-of-Creation (March 2020 - August 2020)


Small-Memory (October 2019 - March 2020)


💻 Contributing

If you notice any issues with the dotfiles or would like to make any suggestions, feel free to submit an issue or create a fork and submit a pull request.

📜 Licence

MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Michail Roesli

♥️ Credits & Thanks