
Primary LanguagePython

Get started

This repository contains code for importing data from Riksdagen to Wikidata. To run the code in this repo, you need to setup authentication as per https://github.com/SuLab/WikidataIntegrator. See the test.ipynb notebook to get started.

There are four main functions:

  • extract_docs downloads documents from the Riksdagen API.
  • prepare_docs takes the raw documents and does some basic cleaning, returning a DocumentCollection.
  • transform_docs takes the DocumentCollection and returns a list of WikidataIntegrator items ready to be loaded to Wikidata.
  • load_docs loads the prepared and transformed documents to Wikidata.

Supported document types

  • Motion
  • Proposition
  • Interpellation
  • Skriftlig fråga
  • Protokoll
  • Utskottsbetänkande
  • Utredningsbetänkande
  • Kommittédirektiv
  • Lag