
Integrating to scottcs's hammerspoon config

rxng opened this issue · 6 comments

rxng commented

Hi, I am unable to get the window to maximise using hyper shift + up + down - it becomes a quarter window instead?

Hello, there are no commands with shift. To maximize there is this simple concept that up+down (or right+left) expand the window vertically (or horizontally).

So let's say you have the window in the right-bottom corner, up+down will expand the window to be half of the screen (right side, since it was on the right-bottom corner). Then only pressing left+right, the window is expanded to be full screen, since the window width is expanded horizontally.

Seems confusing to explain in words but it's really intuitive if you think about that.

But If you just want to directly expand the window fullscreen in one shot, I suggest you the hyper+F

Hope it helps

rxng commented

Thanks @miromannino

I have got it working, and it's something I have been looking for all my life! It is really intuitive and ingenious once you see the magic it can do.

Currently trying to integrate it into a module, but realise that I can't do it because the key release is not setting the false correctly I think? Would you be able to help out? here are the files attached. (bindings are in binding.lua line 92 to 99)

It would really be a lifesaver and be greatly appreciated :)

A module? Where will it go?

What about missing copyrights on position.lua? I added in position.lua, so it's easier to remember to include them. It's just the copyright line at the end.

rxng commented

I'm not sure where it goes, as still figuring this out at the moment, I am using https://github.com/scottcs/dot_hammerspoon at the moment and it makes use of modules. Am having trouble integrating your config into that one...

Happy to put any and all full copyright info (I'm not distributing this, just using it - maybe with friends), so if you do find a way to do that please let me know ? Thank you

Ok I will review this, but I don't promise anything for sure, I am really busy. Tell me if you are able to integrate it. I am sure it's something simple.

Now can be used as a spoon, which is much more standard.