
My Hammerspoon config

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

My Hammerspoon configuration

init.lua loads and configures each module. bindings.lua defines all of the keybindings. There are a number of utility functions defined in utils/, and all of the modules live in modules/.

See the example_config.lua for configuration options for each module.


Map application events to actions to be taken automatically, such as putting an app in fullscreen mode as soon as it's launched.

Battery status notifications.

Send URL clicks to the most recently focused browser. (Will attempt to set Hammerspoon as the default URL handler when started, if it's not already.)

Replacement for Caffeine, Amphetamine, etc. Menubar icon to toggle whether the mac can go to sleep when idle.

Inspired by Stefan Fürst's CheatSheet app, but taken in a different direction. Rather than showing an overlay of the focused app's keyboard shortcuts, this module renders a custom markdown file in a WebView overlay, based on the focused app (or even window title, tmux pane, or shell command). Additionally, you can bind a key to a chooser toggle function that makes it easy to open and edit any of the possible markdown files for the current window.

Note: The webview overlay is split into 2 columns, and the markdown file will fill both columns as it grows in length (left first, then right).

See cheatsheets/ for examples.

Requires pandoc but would be pretty easy to modify to work with a different markdown-to-html converter, like discount.

Filesystem watcher module, which is probably useless to anyone but me. I replaced my old Hazel rules with this module (and no longer use Hazel). You'd probably want to modify it heavily if you use it at all.

Inspired by Notational Velocity. Bring up a chooser via keybinding that lists markdown files in a directory and allows for quick searching of filename and file contents, then edit the file that's selected. If the file doesn't exist, create a new one and edit that instead. Great for quickly writing notes or finding old notes. Can be bound to multiple keys for different directories. (For example, I have one for general notes, and one for "Today I Learned" notes that are more specific to computing.)

Scratchpad for jotting down random notes or reminders. I use this for short-lived notes throughout the day. I usually don't have more than 5-10 lines in it at a time. A keybinding brings up a chooser where you can enter a single line, which is appended to the scratchpad file. The contents of the file can be seen by clicking the menubar icon. Clicking on a line in the menu will copy the line to the clipboard. Ctrl-clicking on a line in the menubar will remove it from the file.

Controls for playback of songs in Spotify and iTunes. Also provides bindings for rating songs via track, a script that keeps song information in a sqlite database.

Provides timers on demand. A keybinding brings up a chooser that lets you type a time (in minutes) and/or a short message. When the time's up, a notification with sound will pop up, and display the message.

Parsing the chooser string is very simple: if the first word is a number, the timer will be set for that many minutes. The rest of the string (if anything) is used as a subtitle for the notification. (Default time is 5 minutes.)

For example:

  • Eggs are done - 5 minute timer, notifies "Eggs are done"
  • 20 Wake up! - 20 minute timer, notifies "Wake up!"
  • 12 - 12 minute timer, notifies generic Timer Expired message.

When a timer is active, it'll show up in the menubar. Click a timer to reset it (start countdown again), ctrl-click a timer to delete it.

Menubar icon with current temp and weather. Click to show details. Uses forecast.io for data (which requires a (free) API key to use). Temperatures turn yellow to red as they get hotter (can be configured in the config.lua file). Weather alerts will appear at the top if they exist.

This module also requires that Hammerspoon be given Location Services access in System Settings.

Notify when wifi network changes.

Combination of Awareness and Pomodoro timers (mutually exclusive modes). Awareness will chime after 30 minutes of constant activity, and each 30 minutes thereafter with an additional chime. Pomodoro emulates a pomodoro timer, with a 25 minute work phase and 5 minute rest phase. Switch between the two modes by Ctrl-clicking the menubar icon. Clicking the icon pauses/starts the timers. Shift-clicking resets.