
Testbed for Interns

  1. Get invited to the Repo
  2. Set up Two Factor Auth
  3. Create a personal access token:
  4. Install and run the app...


Follow these steps to install the repository

  git clone InternTestbed2
  npm install

Hello world

Getting started. Try out debugging.. And run from outside VS Code

  node index.js

Create a Bitcoin Testnet Address

Create an address, then check the result with or

  node bitcoin.js

Demo Notes

Our Test Mnemonics:

Igor: Gray: quality chaos left cabbage aware sponsor shop burger urge lottery face glimpse Celeste: warfare athlete example bus scissors apology mind noodle glow enemy cement scrub Osama: human sun wall return tragic bless detail foot rescue gown deer clerk body certain casual

Ripple notes

G: { Address: rGQqGU8TtM3aLs6QGjhCyAphE11gaboy4H, Secret: spi5n1yQAkpAF4u47vqfmkwbJmLXA, Balance: 10,000 XRP }


electrum RPC calls hit port 50001 should the counter be set by the amount of utxos or the last utxo

(from btctransact) // n1h4g9FkQe2N68uY5cwQFHcweGhGqSK78v // wallet.createOrUpdateAccount("column capable stage auto obey twist bring correct crunch act penalty seminar goddess cage inflict pig route fence example cannon fragile puppy actual hedgehog", "true") // "{"id":"myquery","method":"getaddressbalance","params":["14vuRY354EaxDu4WrgjtvoDEwntDNwMVbx"]}

// "{"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"interns","method":"getbalance","params": [""] }"

// curl --user btcuser:btcpassword --data-binary "{"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"interns","method":"blockchain.transaction.get","params":[""]}"

// electrumx_rpc env DB_DIRECTORY=/data/db/ RPC_HOST= HOST= TCP_PORT=50001 DAEMON_URL=http://btcuser:btcpassword@ COIN=BitcoinSegwit NET=testnet /usr/local/bin/ > ~/electrumx_server.log 2>&1 &

//curl --user btcuser:btcpassword --data-binary {"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "interns", "method":"blockchain.transaction.get","params":["fc992bd10bbcbd54ee2279de497ad4bd49ce6a64c27f2a2d3293f761d2a5a3a3"]}

Dialog for interface

//hi! what would you like to do? // create a wallet | send money

//create a wallet //what would you like this wallet to be called? // gets.chomp input equivalent

//generate a faucet with a specified amount //you have x BTC in your wallet! spend it wisely. use the command BLANK to add x BTC if your funds are too low.

//hi! what would you like to do? // create a wallet | send money

//send money //what is your wallet called? // gets.chomp input equivalent

//what is the name of the wallet you would like to send money to? // gets.chomp input equivalent

//your balance is x BTC. How much would you like to send to string of last input? // gets.chomp input equivalent

// how much would you like to pay in miner's fees? // gets.chomp input equivalent

// With these amounts, you will be left with x BTC in your wallet. Does that sound good to you? // yes, send! | adjust amounts

//adjust amounts// //How much would you like to send to string of last input? // how much would you like to pay in miner's fees? // gets.chomp input equivalent // With these amounts, you will be left with x BTC in your wallet. Does that sound good to you? // yes | adjust amounts

//yes, send!// // great! you have send x BTC to name of recipient wallet.

//setTimeout to restart?