
This is zabbix discovery template and howto for monitoring Wildfly 10+, EAP 6+, Jboss


  • Please give me feadback if you find bug or need some another check. Email is info"@"tomashermanek.cz, twitter is: hermanekt.

  • BUG with discovery: https://support.zabbix.com/browse/ZBXNEXT-4209 fixed in version 4.4!!!

  • Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL packages

This is auto Discovery template for monitoring Wildfly, EAP, Jboss servers (Domain,Standalone) Tested with Wildfy 12,13,14,15,16

Static item:

JMX Wildfly Memory
JMX Wildfly Runtime
JMX Wildfly Threading
JMX Wildlfy Classes
JMX Wildlfy Server


Datasource JDBC
Datasource POOL
Garbage Collector
Memory Pool

Minimal requirements and installation:

NEW Template:(Zabbix_GET_44_wildfly_eap_jboss.xml)

  1. Zabbix 4.4+

  2. Copy jboss-client.jar from /(wildfly,EAP,Jboss,AS)/bin/client in to directory /usr/share/zabbix-java-gateway/lib

    Restart Zabbix Java gateway

    systemctl restart zabbix-java-gateway

    Check if jar file is loaded

    ps xauf | grep jboss-client.jar
  3. Setup JMX Access to Server Node. For example can use this howto:



  • JMX_Access_standalone
  • Port is 9990, test connect with jconsole
  • Maybe you need change this {$JMX.PROTOCOL} macro in template
  1. Import template from this repository (Zabbix_GET_44_wildfly_eap_jboss.xml)
  2. You need change macros in Template {$WILDFLY.PASS}, {$WILDFLY.USER} or you can overload in hosts.

OLD Template:

  1. Zabbix 3.4 to 4.2
  2. Install fixed Zabbix Java Gateway. From this repo.
  • Centos, RHEL
rpm -i https://github.com/hermanekt/Zabbix_wildfly_eap_jboss_monitoring/raw/master/zabbix-java-gateway-4.2.5-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
  • Debian, Ubuntu
curl -sLO https://github.com/hermanekt/Zabbix_wildfly_eap_jboss_monitoring/raw/master/zabbix-java-gateway_4.2.5-1+stretch_all.deb && dpkg -i zabbix-java-gateway_4.2.5-1+stretch_all.deb
  • In future zabbix maybe have own fix. I sent the info to the zabbix.
    • If you don't have Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS 7 or RHEL 7, you need make own package.
    • I change in this file is:
    • We started change on the line 274:
    274	// This is changed for replace special characters
    275	//String key = property.getKey().toUpperCase();
    276	String key = property.getKey().toUpperCase().replace('-', '_’);
  1. Copy jboss-client.jar from /(wildfly,EAP,Jboss,AS)/bin/client in to directory /usr/share/zabbix-java-gateway/lib

    Restart Zabbix Java gateway

    systemctl restart zabbix-java-gateway

    Check if jar file is loaded

    ps xauf | grep jboss-client.jar
  2. Setup JMX Access to Server Node. For example can use this howto:



  • JMX_Access_standalone
  • Port is 9990, test connect with jconsole
  • Maybe you need change this {$JMX.PROTOCOL} macro in template
  1. Import template from this repository (Zabbix_wildfly_eap_jboss.xml)
  2. Set Regular expression with name "Disable datasource discovery" for exclude some datasources from discovery For example:
Disable datasource discovery ^(ExampleDS)$  [Result is FALSE]
  1. You need change macros in Template {$WILDFLY.PASS}, {$WILDFLY.USER} or you can overload in hosts.



Please give me feadback if you find bug or need some another check. Email is info"@"tomashermanek.cz, twitter is: hermanekt.
