This library offers an easy way to generate TwiML responses for Twilio apps, using a nice fluent interface. It doesn't use any magic, so your IDE should be able to autocomplete all method calls as you type.
For example:
use Orukusaki\TwiML\Voice\Response;
$response = new Response();
$response->say('Thanks for your call');
echo $response;
Will output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Say>Thanks for your call</Say>
<Dial action="">+441473000000</Dial>
It's good for really quick one-liners (php >= 5.4):
echo (new Response())->say('Hi');
Will output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
More complex responses can be created in function chains:
echo (new Response())
->say('S\'il vous plaît laissez un message')
Will output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Say voice="alice" language="fr-FR">S'il vous plaît laissez un message</Say>
<Record action=""/>
You can also set multiple attributes at once:
echo (new Response())
->with(['timeout' => 10, 'record' => 'record-from-answer']);
will output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Dial timeout="10" record="record-from-answer">+4400000000</Dial>
composer install "orukusaki/twiml"
Issues & PRs welcomed on