
travis build pass

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The Andela Developer Challenge is founded on the premise that aspiring Technology Leaders learn programming whilst building things that matter. That the best way to learn code is by building a complete product. As we build applications that solve real problems, we internalize deeply the skills needed to be World Class Software Developers.


The challenge of -----keeping track of shopping items---- is a need for -----many individuals----- that requires an innovative and robust solution that will ----- allow them to remember and share the shopping lists with others -----.

Description of the application:

The innovative shopping list app is a web based application that allows users to record and share things they want to spend money on meeting the needs of keeping track of their shopping lists.

First thing done was to create a project for the Whole Shopping List challenge on the pivotal tracker web. And creating required stories for all the challenges:

Running Tests

To run unittests locally, install nose then point it to the tests folder located at tests folder of the project

nosetests tests

Flask Application

The file is used to run the flask application. To run it use


it will run a local webserver on and user will be provided with a home page

App on Heroku

To run the app on heroku user visists the url