This package is meant to make copying of structs to/from others structs a bit easier.
$ go get
This package requires some dependencies:
- oleiade/reflections: An awesome high level abstractions over reflect library
All dependencies will be installed for you.
// Deep copy instance1 into instance2
// Deep copy instance1 into instance2 and passes the following context (which
// is basically a map[string]interface{}) as first argument
// to methods of instance2 that defined the struct tag "context".
Copy(instance1).WithContext(map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"}).To(instance2)
// Deep copy instance2 into instance1
// Deep copy instance2 into instance1 and passes the following context (which
// is basically a map[string]interface{}) as first argument
// to methods of instance1 that defined the struct tag "context".
Copy(instance1).WithContext(map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"}).From(instance2)
You should use the following struct tags:
- field: name of the field in the target instance
- context: method will take context (map[string]interface{}) as first argument
- skip: skip this field (do not process anything)
package main
import (
// Model
type User struct {
Name string
func (u *User) MethodThatTakesContext(ctx map[string]interface{}) string {
// do whatever you want
return ""
// Resource
type UserResource struct {
DisplayName string `deepcopier:"field:Name"`
SkipMe string `deepcopier:"skip"`
MethodThatTakesContext string `deepcopier:"context"`
func main() {
user := &User{
Name: "gilles",
resource := &UserResource{}
Looking for more information about the usage?
We wrote an introduction article, have a look and give us your feedback.
- Ping us on twitter @oibafsellig, @thoas
- Fork the project
- Fix bugs
Don't hesitate ;)