
send notifications from a shell to your phone through Telegram

Primary LanguageShell


this repo is more just to let you know this can be done and to show a example of code.

long running task ? search no more, send a push notification to your phone from a simple command.

telegram bots are incredibly easy to set up, installing this script should take aproximately 5min, and will come handy.

Utility ?

if you want to know when a task finish, for example :
compiling ? make; notif "finished compiling"
downloading ? wget https://foo.com/bar.tar.gz; notif "finished download bar.tar.gz"
and you get the point.

you can also send links or text to your phone easily from your computer, if KDE connect isn't your thing


should be fast and easy.

Bot setup

i took this bot setup part from https://github.com/simonacca/TellTg

First a bot and a chat_id are needed:

  • create a bot via the BotFather
  • take note of the bot's token provided by the botfather
  • add the bot to your contacts and sent it a message
  • Use the getUpdates API method to retrive your chat_id
    • To do that, navigate to https://api.telegram.org/bot{token}/getUpdates and look for an id element inside a chat element

Script configuration

the script need to know the bot token and the chat id, it use environment variables : tg_token and tg_id so you can :

  • just declare the variables in your shellrc
  • declare the variables in a special file, /etc/telegram-notif.conf or with a higher priority ~/.config/telegram-notif.conf.
    you declare the variable in it :

if not arguments is provided the script will use the last entry in the history as text.

Installation of the script

to install this script simply put it in your path and rename it if you want,
if you don't know you can just execute this :
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mirsella/telegram-notif.sh/main/telegram-notif.sh > /usr/bin/telegram-notif.sh && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/telegram-notif.sh