
SurveyMonkey Prototype App. Build with React, React Router v4, Redux, Redux-Form v6, ReduxThunk, Node JS, Express, MongoDB, Stripe payment, react-stripe-checkout, sendgrid API, lodash and axios, materialize-css,

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mailer build with es6 and react-routerV4

React, react-routerV4, Redux, NodeJS, Express, passport and MongoDB App.

npm version


Node version: 8.4.0 minimum and

NPM version: 5.3.0 minimum

How to run this project:

  • step 1: clone or download the repo

  • step 2: Run the command $ npm install -g nodemon this will install nodemon on your system globally

  • step 3: npm install this will install all the dependency if depdepency is not install Only then follow step 4

  • step 4: npm install --save-dev forever

  • step 5: run npm dev this will start the project on localhost://5000

  • step 6: Go to http://localhost:5000

In oreder to Google auth

go to this link: https://console.developers.google.com/

create an app

set googleClientID and googleClientSecret in you environment variable

For stripe payment

create an stripe account at: https://stripe.com/

and follow the instructions

and sendgrid

create an account on: https://sendgrid.com/

and follows their instruction to send email using sengird mail service

Thanks Enjoy

Learning... mir.sujat@gmail.com