
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CSA-Net: A Flexible 2.5D Medical Image Segmentation Approach with In-Slice and Cross-Slice Attention

Figure 1: Visual representation of the CSA-Net architecture.

Official PyTorch implementation of:

A Flexible 2.5D Medical Image Segmentation Approach with In-Slice and Cross-Slice Attention

The code is only for research purposes. If you have any questions regarding how to use this code, feel free to contact Amarjeet Kumar (amarjeetkumar@ufl.edu).



pip install -r requirements.txt


1. Download Google pre-trained ViT models

*Get pretrained vision transformer model using this link : R50-ViT-B_16

  • Save your model into folder "model/vit_checkpoint/imagenet21k/".

2. Prepare data

Here we use the ProstateX dataset as an example. This dataset consists of T2-weighted prostate MRI, along with expert-annotation of four different prostate regions: transition zone, peripheral zone, urethra, and anterior fibromuscular stroma.

  1. Access to the ProstateX dataset: Sign up in the official ProstateX website and download the dataset. Partition it in training and testing dataset as :- trainVol, trainMask, testVol, testMask. Put these folders under data directory.
    • Run the preprocessing script, which would generate train_npz folder containing 2D images in folder "data/", data list files in folder "lists/" and train.csv for overview.
python preprocessing.py

OR You can download our preprocessed dataset using this link. After downloading, copy the "lists" directory from utils to "/CSANet" path to store text files containing the names of all samples for each task.

The directory structure of the whole project is as follows:

├── CSANet
├── model
│   └── vit_checkpoint
│       └── imagenet21k
│           └── R50+ViT-B_16.npz
└── data
    ├── trainVol
    ├── trainMask
    └── testVol
    ├── testMask
    └── train_npz     

3. Train/Test

  • Please go to the folder "CSANet/" and it's ready for you to train and test the model.
python train.py
python test.py

You can see the test outputs in the "Results/" folder.


This project incorporates concepts and implementations based on the following research papers and their corresponding code repositories:


Kindly cite our paper as follows if you use our code.

    title={A Flexible 2.5D Medical Image Segmentation Approach with In-Slice and Cross-Slice Attention},
    author={Amarjeet Kumar and Hongxu Jiang and Muhammad Imran and Cyndi Valdes and Gabriela Leon and Dahyun Kang and  Parvathi Nataraj and Yuyin Zhou and Michael D. Weiss and Wei Shao},