
Sample implementation of Clean Architecture in NodeJS using expressJS as the web framework and TypeORM as the database client

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Clean Architecture NodeJS

This project inspired from https://github.com/mirzaakhena/gogen

I am experimenting using the function closure except using a class.


git clone the repo then install required dependencies

$ npm install 

Run the application

$ npm run start

Application will run in port 3000

Use the application

To use the API, you can use the src/controller/request.http file to test the api request invocation.

Code Structure

├── controller
│   ├── controller.ts
│   ├── handle_addproduct.ts
│   ├── handle_authorization.ts
│   ├── handle_createorder.ts
│   ├── handle_error.ts
│   ├── handle_getallproduct.ts
│   ├── handle_login.ts
│   └── request.http
├── gateway
│   ├── gateway.ts
│   ├── impl_order.ts
│   ├── impl_product.ts
│   ├── impl_trx.ts
│   └── impl_user.ts
├── index.ts
├── model
│   ├── entity
│   │   ├── error.ts
│   │   ├── order.ts
│   │   ├── product.ts
│   │   └── user.ts
│   └── repository
│       ├── order.ts
│       ├── product.ts
│       ├── transaction.ts
│       └── user.ts
├── usecase
│   ├── execute_add_product.test.ts
│   ├── execute_add_product.ts
│   ├── execute_create_order.test.ts
│   ├── execute_create_order.ts
│   ├── execute_getall_product.test.ts
│   ├── execute_getall_product.ts
│   ├── execute_login.test.ts
│   ├── execute_login.ts
│   └── usecase.ts
└── utility
    ├── application.ts
    └── logger.ts

What is the feature of this code ?

  1. Written with concept clean architecture that promote the separation of concern between logic code and infrastructure code.
  2. Basically just use common frameworks like ExpressJS and TypeORM. And not using complex frameworks like NestJS
  3. All the controller, use case (service in common terms) and gateway written by function closure instead of class
    export const ImplFindOneUserByUsername = (ds: DataSource): FindOneUserByUsername => {
        return async (ctx: Context, username: string): Promise<User | null> => {
            return await getManager(ctx, ds.manager).findOneBy(User, {username})
    export const ImplValidatePassword = (): ValidatePassword => {
        return async (ctx: Context, username: string, password: string): Promise<boolean> => {
            // TODO: temporary implementation
            return (username === password)
    export const ImplFindAllUserRoles = (ds: DataSource): FindAllUserRoles => {
        return async (ctx: Context, username: string): Promise<string[]> => {
            return (await getManager(ctx, ds.manager).findBy(UserRole, {username})).map(ur => {
                return ur.role
  4. have a login function which generate the jwt token
    export const handleLogin = (executable: Inport<Request, Response>): HandlerFuncWithNext => {
        return async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
            try {
                const ctx = getContext(handleLogin.name)
                logger.info(ctx, `called with ${JSON.stringify(req.body)}`)
                const result = await executable(ctx, req.body)
                logger.info(ctx, `done with id ${result.user}`)
                const payload = {data: result.user}
                const secretKey = process.env.SECRET_KEY as string
                const expiration = {expiresIn: process.env.TOKEN_EXPIRATION}
                const token = jwt.sign(payload, secretKey, expiration);
                res.json({token: token})
            } catch (err) {
  5. have a middleware to intercept and check the token
    export const handleAuthorization = (): HandlerFuncWithNext => {
        return async (req: DecodedRequest, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
            try {
                const authHeader = req.headers.authorization;
                if (!authHeader) {
                const token = authHeader.split(' ');
                if (token.length !== 2) {
                const secretKey = process.env.SECRET_KEY as string
                const dataDecoded = jwt.verify(token[1], secretKey) as JwtPayload
                req.user = dataDecoded.data as User
            } catch (e) {
  6. have a simple user access control verified on every method
    if (!hasOneOfRoles(user,["admin", "operator"])) {
  7. have sample transactions database handling
    export const executeCreateOrder = (o: Outport): Inport<Request, Response> => {
        const [saveProduct, saveOrder, withTransaction,] = o
        return async (ctx: Context, req: Request): Promise<Response> => {
            return await withTransaction(ctx, async (ctx: Context): Promise<Response> => {
                const objOrder = new Order()
                objOrder.id = `order-${req.id}`
                objOrder.username = req.username
                await saveOrder(ctx, objOrder)
                const objProduct = new Product()
                objProduct.id = `product-${req.id}`
                objProduct.name = req.name
                objProduct.price = req.price
                await saveProduct(ctx, objProduct)
                return {
                    orderId: objOrder.id,
                    productId: objProduct.id,
  8. Use manual and simple dependency injection
    const m = getDataSource()
    const findOneUserByUsername = ImplFindOneUserByUsername(m)
    const validatePassword = ImplValidatePassword()
    const withTrx = ImplWithTransaction(m)
    const saveOrder = ImplSaveOrder(m)
    const saveProduct = ImplSaveProduct(m)
    const findAllProducts = ImplFindAllProducts(m)
    const findAllUserRoles = ImplFindAllUserRoles(m)
    const router = express.Router()
    router.use("/api/v1", handleAuthorization());
    router.post("/api/v1/products", handleAddProduct(executeAddProduct([saveProduct])))
    router.get("/api/v1/products", handleGetAllProduct(executeGetAllProduct([findAllProducts])))
    router.post("/api/v1/order", handleCreateOrder(executeCreateOrder([saveProduct, saveOrder, withTrx])))
    router.post("/login", handleLogin(executeLogin([findOneUserByUsername, validatePassword, findAllUserRoles])))