Taxi Fare Calculator

A TypeScript-based taxi fare calculator that allows for flexible fare calculation algorithms, detailed logging, and easy integration with different input methods.

Table of Contents


  • Separation of Concerns: Core logic is decoupled from auxiliary services like logging.
  • Modular Components: Each component handles a specific responsibility, making the code maintainable and extensible.
  • Flexible Fare Calculation: You can set custom fare calculation algorithms without modifying the core class.
  • Optional Logger: The system functions normally even if no logger is provided.
  • Detailed Error Handling: Specific error messages and logging make debugging easier.
  • Data Validation and Parsing: Ensures input data is correctly formatted and logically coherent.
  • Type Safety: Uses TypeScript for compile-time type safety.
  • Record Management: Handles the addition, validation, and sorting of records efficiently.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd taxi-fare-calculator
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install

Running in dev mode

npm run dev

Running in production mode

First you need to build it

npm run build

Then you can run it directly from /dist directory

npm run start

Running test

npm test


  1. Manual Direct Input. See sample_input_manual.ts
  2. Manual Direct Input with Custom Algorithm sample_input_change_fare_algorithm.ts
  3. Receive Input Line by Line sample_input_line_by_line.ts

You may enable it by comment / uncomment it in index.ts then run it in dev mode.

import { receiveInputLineByLine } from "./sample_input_line_by_line.js";
import { manualDirectInput } from "./sample_input_manual.js";
import { manualDirectInputWithChangingAlgorithm } from "./sample_input_change_fare_algorithm.js";

// manualDirectInput();
// manualDirectInputWithChangingAlgorithm();


When using the sample from receiveInputLineByLine, it uses winston library that store all the log in logs/app.log.

Test Case

Adding Records:

  • Valid Records: Test that valid records are added without errors.

  • Invalid Format: Test that an error is thrown for invalid record format.

  • Blank Line: Test that an error is thrown for a blank line.

  • Past Time: Test that an error is thrown when a record with past time is added.

  • Interval More Than 5 Minutes: Test that an error is thrown when the interval between records exceeds 5 minutes.

  • Smaller Distance: Test that an error is thrown when a new record has a smaller distance than the previous record.

Fare Calculation:

  • Fewer Than 2 Records: Test that an error is thrown if there are fewer than two records.

  • One Record: Test that an error is thrown if there is only one record.

  • No Movement: Test that an error is thrown if there is no movement (total mileage is 0.0 m).

  • Edge Case (Up to 1 km): Test that the fare is correctly calculated for distances just over 1 km.

  • Up to 1 km: Test that the fare is 400 yen for distances up to 1 km.

  • Up to 10 km: Test that the fare is correctly calculated for distances up to 10 km.

  • Over 10 km: Test that the fare is correctly calculated for distances over 10 km.

  • Changing Fare Algorithm: Test that the fare calculation algorithm can be changed and applied correctly.

Sorted Records:

  • Sorted by Distance Difference: Test that records are correctly sorted by distance difference.

Base Fare:

  • Up to 1 km: Test that the base fare is 400 yen for distances up to 1 km.

  • 1 km to 10 km: Test that the fare is correctly calculated for distances between 1 km and 10 km.

  • Over 10 km: Test that the fare is correctly calculated for distances over 10 km.