
PoC about KEDA, Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling. Using Apache Camel, Spring Boot RabbitMQ and Kubernetes/kind

Primary LanguageJavaCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


This is PoC about KEDA.

KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler. With KEDA, you can drive the scaling of any container in Kubernetes based on the number of events needing to be processed.

We are going to queue some messages over a RabbitMQ, and scale a consumer deployment based on number of elements inside the queue.

Consumer and Producer

I have used Apache Camel for both, consumer and producer.

How to generate Apache Camel Spring Boot project

Apache Camel Maven Archetypes

How to create a new Spring based Apache Camel route

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.camel.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=camel-archetype-spring-boot -DarchetypeVersion=3.10.0 -DgroupId=keda.poc -DartifactId=producer -Dversion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Docker images

I have also used Fabric8 Docker Maven plugin to generate its images. So as to load them in the kubernetes cluster. Check pom.xml for more details.

mvn clean package
[INFO] --- docker-maven-plugin:0.35.0:build (build-image) @ consumer ---
[INFO] Copying files to \keda-poc\producerAndConsumer\consumer\target\docker\consumer\build\jar
[INFO] Building tar: \keda-poc\producerAndConsumer\consumer\target\docker\consumer\tmp\docker-build.tar
[INFO] DOCKER> [consumer:latest]: Created docker-build.tar in 5 seconds
[INFO] DOCKER> [consumer:latest]: Built image sha256:ae47b
[INFO] DOCKER> [consumer:latest]: Removed old image sha256:95593
[INFO] DOCKER> [consumer:latest]: Tag with latest,0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] DOCKER> Tagging image consumer:latest successful!
[INFO] DOCKER> Tagging image consumer:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT successful!

Kubernetes stuff

Init Kubernetes cluster

I am going to use kind

kind create cluster --name keda-poc

Deploying KEDA

Deploying with Helm

Loading consumer and producer images into kind cluster.

After a successful mvn clean package

kind load docker-image producer:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT --name keda-poc
kind load docker-image consumer:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT --name keda-poc

Troubleshooting KEDA

Producer and consumer


kubectl apply -f k8/rabbitmq.yaml

There are some RabbitMQ operators/helms avaiable on the internet, but I have decided to use a custom one.


kubectl apply -f k8/producer.yaml

This will start some producers. RabbitMQ foo will start to enqueue some messages


kubectl apply -f k8/consumer.yaml

This will create a consumer deployment starting with 0 pods


kubctl -f apply -f k8/keda.yaml

There are 5 providers and 0 consumers, so over time, number of messages will start to increase

KEDA will start to scale up the number of pods inside consumer-deployment

Note I will omit producer and rabbitMQ pods

kubectl get pods
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kubectl get pods
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
consumer-deployment-dc577c54-85qr6     1/1     Running   0          6s
consumer-deployment-dc577c54-bppd9     1/1     Running   0          16s
kubectl get pods
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
consumer-deployment-dc577c54-85qr6     1/1     Running   0          38s
consumer-deployment-dc577c54-bppd9     1/1     Running   0          48s
consumer-deployment-dc577c54-bzxgn     1/1     Running   0          23s
consumer-deployment-dc577c54-cmbw6     1/1     Running   0          8s
consumer-deployment-dc577c54-fcgkt     1/1     Running   0          23s

KEDA will scale up consumers until they are able to finish all pending jobs. consumers consuming all the messages

After all messages have been processed, consumers are no longer needed so KEDA will kill the pods

kubectl get pods
NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

Note some RabbitMQ Stuff from the management console

kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/producer-deployment

No producers